Dogs might be man’s best friend, but exotic pets make the most interesting Instagram accounts. If you want to see a raccoon having a bath or two prairie dogs on leashes chillin’ with a hedgehog, look no further. We’ve found Instagram’s top 10 strange-but-cute pet accounts so you don’t have to, check them out below…
1. Pumpkin the Raccoon @pumpkintheraccoon

Pumpkin, the raccoon who thinks she’s a dog, was raised with two Royal Bahamian Potcake rescues, Toffee and Oreo, in the Bahama’s. Rescued from a windstorm with a broken leg, this little bandit-faced babe spends her days lounging and playing with the pups. She loves to eat, sleep and get up to no good.
2. Juniper the Fox @juniperfoxx

Juniper the Fox is a domestic fox who was bred for her fur and, luckily, rescued. She’s gathered 1.4 million Instagram followers, has a boyfriend named Moose (an Australian Shepherd Malamute mix) and loves to pounce, chase and bite. Her owner warns her followers that owning a fox is no walk in the park, “when it comes to nature vs nurture, nature will always peek out”. We’re just happy to observe the cute, foxy antics from this side of our phone screens.
3. Bing, Swarley and Monty: Two Prairie Dogs and a Hedgehog @prairiedogpack

The weirdest crew known to man, @prairiedogpack follows two prairie dogs and a hedgehog as they go about their day-to-day business. Prairie dogs are social creatures, Bing and Swarley being no exception. They aren’t camera shy and judging by the extensive posts on their page, they get a ton of attention.
4. Ludwik the Hairless Guinea Pig @ludwik_guinea_pig

Ludwik is a rescued, hairless Guinea Pig living in Warsaw with his mom, two Yorkie’s and his hairless Guinea Pig sister, Rachel. He’s a nude, male model who’s not afraid to rock pearls on set. Ludwik does sponsored posts for cruelty-free products ‘cause behind that cute face, he’s got a heart of gold.
5. Prissy and Poppleton the Mini Pigs @prissy_pig

Priscilla and Poppleton are two mini pigs living the good life in Florida. The pair have two books published about them by their mom, school teacher Melissa Nicholson. They hang out with their mom’s first grade students, showing the class that pork isn’t always for eating. They love to dress up, and can rock a tutu like nobody’s business.
6. MacGyver the Lizard @macgyverlizard

MacGyver, the Red Tegu Lizard acts like a dog and comes when he’s called. He loves his parents, snoozing at their feet and cuddling up to his mom on the regular. MacGyver is known for his intelligence and penchant for grapes.
7. Goats of Anarchy @goatsofanarchy

Goats of Anarchy is a non-profit goat rescue in New Jersey. The founder, Leanne Lauricella, was an event planner in NYC when one day, she dropped everything and started rescuing goats. She has a rotating roster of disadvantaged goats living at her farm, providing them with prosthetics, wheelchairs and vet visits. One particular goat was also provided with a duck costume. Polly is blind and suffers from neurological disorders, including anxiety; she wears the costume any time she has an anxiety attack and immediately calms down to go to sleep. The farm puts on “cruelty-free goat yoga” where the goats are guaranteed to live a cruelty-free life post workout. Lauricella has a book published about her story called, Goats of Anarchy: One Woman’s Quest to Save the World One Goat At A Time.
8. Mr. Pokee the Hedgehog @mrpokee

Mr. Pokee is an African Pygmy Hedgehog with an affection for adventure. He lives in Norway with his mom and the two often travel throughout Europe together. He loves mealworms and belly rubs.
9. Jill the Squirrel @this_girl_is_a_squirrel

Jill the squirrel was rescued from Hurricane Isaac in Louisiana. She’s about as photogenic as they come and has over 400k Instagram followers. Although Jill does have a cage, typically she has free-run over the household, she’s even been trained to use the garbage can as a toilet.
10. JoeJoe the Capybara @joejoe_the_capybara @crazy_codys_creatures

JoeJoe lives in Las Vegas with his owner, Cody Kennedy. Antics include dressing up in awesome costumes (probably meant for children or large dogs, Capybara’s can grow up to 4ft) and babysitting puppies. Even though he’s a massive rodent, JoeJoe’s still a pretty chill dude and mostly likes to relax poolside with his Capybara boo, Sweetie.