It’s still a mystery how these lucky porkers retired to a leisurely life on a tropical island, but we do know we’re super jealous. Found on Big Major Cay in the Exumas islands of the Bahamas, there are two theories on their origin.

One is they were left many years ago by pirates, who planned to return and bbq them. Or they may have swam over from a nearby shipwreck.

They survived by drinking from natural springs and eating treats by visiting sailors and passing boats. Right now there are about 20 pigs and piglets living on the now-named Pig Beach.

Over the last several years, they’ve become social media stars, with tons of celebs, actors models, musicians and tourists posting photos with the gang. Pig Beach can only be reached by boat, which is managed by a tour company.

The tour company also looks after the pigs and make sure they’re taken into their shelter during hurricanes. They also now feed the pigs and only allow tourists to feed them certain snacks to ensure their well-being.

So while we’re wishing we’re on a tropical island with free snacks and drinks, with celebs dying to hang out with us, it’s just another day for these pigs.
For more pigtastic posts, check out Lulu the Life-Saving Pig, Esther the Wonder Pig, Picasso the Painting Pig and Prissy and Poppleton the MiniPigs.