The caretakers of Gunther VI, German Shepherd and richest dog in the world, have announced the prized pup will be cloned. This will be to ensure his “full genetic patrimony” will be passed on to Gunther VII (along with his estimated $400 million net worth). With his legacy famously starting back in the early 1990s with Gunther IV.

Gunther VI will be cloned by PerPETuate, which was founded in 1998 and is noted as the world’s first pet genetic preservation company. And it feels like only yesterday royal families were marrying their cousins to preserve their dynasties. And did you know that last February, Gunther VI bought Nicolas Cage’s private Island in the Bahamas?
In the video above, Maurizio Mian (Gunther’s “dad” and main handler) shares they were inspired by Argentinian president Javier Milei, who famously cloned five copies of his late dog Conan. And it also appears there will be a Netflix special on Gunther VI’s cloning and images in the video suggest that the clones might already be born.
If you somehow missed all the hype last with Netflix’s docuseries, Gunther’s Millions, see our full recap.
And for more celebrity pet clones: Paris Hilton debuts her cloned Chihuahuas in a new Taco Bell commercial.