Ethan Almighty. Ryan Reynolds. Dwayne Johnson. What do these three successful, handsome, and buff celebrities have in common? They’re all liquor brand ambassadors and known for their heroic roles. But while Reynolds and Johnson play heroes on-screen – Ethan Almighty’s hero’s journey is the true story of his life.

In 2021, Ethan was found dumped and near death in the parking lot of a local animal shelter. He was sold for drugs as a puppy and suffered abuse and torture. A kind neighbor saw he wouldn’t live long at the rate he was going, so he grabbed Ethan and dropped him off. With the help of the shelter and his new dad, Jeff Callaway, Ethan recovered, going from 38 pounds up to 100. Healthy and happy, Ethan has spent the last few years inspiring his fans and advocating for rescue dogs. Once stuck in a small cage, he’s now used to walking the red carpet. So we’re lucky he had time to sit down for this interview!

Celebrity Pets: Now that our readers know how your Hero’s Journey started. Let’s dig into what you’ve been up to since. How did you cope with the challenges you faced during your recovery? Do you have any tips for dog parents looking to help a rescue dog who is in a tough condition like you were?
Ethan Almighty: I was in a really bad situation and just needed someone to give me a chance. I had been deprived of food for so long I could not walk or stand… Thankfully someone came to get me! My tip is if you rescue a dog from a tough condition, please recognize we appreciate it, but we’re still scared and nervous. So we will need plenty of time and space to get adjusted to our furever home!
CP: Now that you’re a true celebrity canine, how do you handle all the attention?
Ethan Almighty: It seems all so natural. After I was rescued, this just feels normal. I love being around so many people. (And I love all the ear scratches and butt rubs I get)
CP: Can you share a moment where you’ve met with a fan that really touched you?
Ethan Almighty: I met a very nice woman who was crying when she saw me. She told my poppa that she had been diagnosed with cancer and had decided not to take her treatments. She said she saw my story and how hard I fought to live and it gave her inspiration to fight her battle also. She is now cancer-free!
And so many people have said that because of my story they have gained so much hope in their own lives.
I hope people realize that there are overcrowded shelters everywhere. I have so many friends that would love to go to their forever home. And there are still so many animals that are being mistreated out there – Please do what you can to help!
Ethan Almighty – On why he shares his story
CP: For your fans, it can seem like all your walks are down red carpets these days. So what is an average day actually like for you?
Ethan Almighty: My day starts early. I get up with my brother and sisters about 5:30 every morning. We eat breakfast and then rest for 30 minutes or so. Then I get my collar on and go with my poppa to work. I spend my time in my poppa’s office or going with him to different locations to work. I also get plenty of walks and usually hit up the dog play yards. Then we come home and I chill for a bit before dinner. After dinner, I like to go on a stroll through my neighborhood. Then it’s a snack and bedtime.
CP: How has the experience of helping your dad and working at a animal shelter?
Ethan Almighty: I’m proud his job allows us to raise more awareness for pets in our community. And I mostly like making new friends at the shelter.
CP: You’ve been impressively honored with several awards over the last few years. This includes the 2022 American Humane National Hero Dog Award, your Governor naming January “Ethan Almighty Shelter Animal Awareness Month,” and Busch Beer giving you the title “Chief Tasting Officer.” What has that been like?
Ethan Almighty: I like traveling around to all these new, different places. My poppa always has some special clothes for me to wear and I get to meet so many people. My poppa has created a room at our house where he keeps all the awards and recognitions. It means a lot to me because it brings awareness to all my friends, and their friends. I like when we go places because poppa can tell more people my story and it always seems to help more people.
CP: And your dad Jeff also just received an award?
Ethan Almighty: Yes, he was named Person of the Year. But to me, he will always be Poppa of the Year 🙂
CP: When we first wrote about you, your status as the first canine whiskey influencer is what grabbed our attention. What’s the story behind that?
Ethan Almighty: My poppa met some people who asked if we might want to make an Ethan bourbon. Bourbon seems to be a big deal where we live but I’ve never tasted it. I just like the bottle, I think it’s really cool. It has my picture on it!
CP: And you were recently the guest of honor at your bourbon’s release party – How was that? (Loved the matching tuxes, by the way)
Ethan Almighty: There were so many people there and they were all so happy. People were singing and eating snacks, just like me! I got some special snacks that night (plus a few of the human snacks). As a canine celeb that’s often in the spotlight, I have an extensive collection of bow ties, bandanas, and cool collars, so I always look fresh!
CP: We also saw you linked up with rapper and Louisville native Jack Harlow (A known dog lover and popular celeb on our site). How was meeting him?
Ethan Almighty: I met Jack at the Kentucky Derby. He was very nice and took a picture with me. It was pretty cool to meet an artist that I bump while cruising in poppa’s car. (I was hoping he would ask me to be in a music video.)I got to see him again at a celebrity softball game. I tried to get them to let me play in the game but they were afraid I wouldn’t bring the ball back lol.
CP: Is there a story you can share that captures your personality?
Ethan Almighty: I love to play, so anything where I’m running and playing fetch or playing tug are my favorite. And I love to play with my friends and family. A lot of times people see me inside at different places, my poppa has taught me about inside manners so I try to be on my best behavior when we’re inside but sometimes I get frisky and want to play… It always makes my poppa laugh which I love.
CP: When it comes to your character, it’s pretty apparent you’re one charming young man. But if we asked a good friend of yours, what funny or unique quirks would they say you have?
Ethan Almighty: They laugh at me when it’s time to eat because I get so excited I spin around and around in circles, but I just can’t help myself.
CP: Besides lighting up every room you enter, do you have a special talent or do any tricks?
Ethan Almighty: I will sit and lay down. I will also shake with my right paw but I don’t like to shake with my left paw. And I will stay in place until poppa says i can get up. Also, poppa brings a blanket everywhere we go and it’s ’my place’. So I can lay down and relax no matter where we are.
CP: If we promise not to tell your dad… What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve done?
Ethan Almighty: I ate all the treats out of his backpack one time. I thought I got away with it but I didn’t know what to do with the empty bag. I tried to blame the cats, they’re always getting in to things. But he didn’t believe that the cats would eat all those big treats.
CP: What’s your dream job or project?
Ethan Almighty: I would love to help poppa get a law passed in Kentucky to help all my dog and cat friends. It’s very important and we spend time at the capital hoping it will get voted on. Poppa says we’re getting close. He says it may even be called Ethan’s Law. That has a nice ring to it, I think. I believe it would be our biggest accomplishment!
CP: When your life story is turned into a feature film, what celebrity would play you and your human? Who would co-star?
Ethan Almighty: I really like cameras, I’m hoping they will let me play myself! And the person playing poppa would need long hair, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him with short hair. And I have a brother and a few sisters who could take some acting lessons. Also would love to give acting roles to some of my fur friends at the shelter. It sounds like a fun time, let’s try and make it happen!
CP: If you hosted a TED Talk, what would the topic be?
Ethan Almighty: Kindness. No question. Please do something kind for someone today.
CP: If you were stuck on a deserted island, what are the 5 essential items you’d take?
Ethan Almighty: TREATS! Specifically chicken-flavored. My fav toy and a couple stuffies I can rip apart. And a friend or two – I don’t want to be lonely!
CP: If you just won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy or do?
Ethan Almighty: I would buy a big island and get as many shelter dogs there as I could. And then I would buy a bunch of treats and all the Busch Dog Brew I could find. And a new Jeep for me and poppa to cruise in!
CP: Imagine you’re a late-night talk show host – Who would be your top three celebrity guests and why?
Ethan Almighty: Jack Harlow – He’s from Louisville and helps the community a lot. And he could perform, that would be cool. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear – He’s a very nice guy and I really like him and his family. Plus he has a dog named Winnie, maybe he could bring her? Dolly Parton – Love her music and all she does for animals and people. And as host, I’d aim to see if any celebrity guests are able to help pets in need!
CP: Are there any pet influencers or creators you’re a fan of that you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Ethan Almighty: Adventures with Moxie and Bandits Brigade, who I met through the Hero Dog Awards.
CP: what charities or non-profit organizations would you like to give a shoutout to?
Ethan Almighty: The Roll Call Foundation. They help raise money for veterans to go on Honor Flights. They also help children with special needs. The Dream Factory provides dreams for children with sickness or illness.
CP: Can you share the story behind this Facebook video?
Ethan Almighty: That’s funny. I love cats and kittens. I think I like them better than dogs. This was a little cat that was at the shelter. He had surgery and was spending time in the vet area recovering. We became friends and played together for a few days.
CP: Do you have a message for any human considering adoption? Or for your canine cousins in rescues waiting for their furever home?
Ethan Almighty: For the humans, please visit your local shelters when looking to add to your family. The shelters are full and no dog or cat has chosen the shelter. We are all there because we don’t have a home yet. For my friends in waiting, stay positive. Your family is coming soon. Try to be on your best behavior when they come by. Lol Until then I’ll keep coming by and visiting.
CP: Have any exciting plans coming up?
Ethan Almighty: More trips to Frankfort, the capital of Kentucky. Poppa say we will go and he will speak to a committee about the bill we are trying to pass. We have a trip coming soon to Raleigh also. I like these trips because I get to fly on a plane. I think flying is fun. And I’m most looking forward to the Gravy Cup. Poppa and me are celebrity judges. I can’t wait!
Thanks for all your time and for all the positive work you and your dad do! If you aren’t already, make sure to follow @ethanalmighty on Instagram and Facebook.