FaZe Rug – the popular YouTube streamer, social media influencer, and dog lover – shared the sad news that his beloved pug Bosley has passed away with his 40 million followers. Bosley unexpectedly suffered heart failure and was only 9 years old.

The pup was adopted by Rug, real named Brian Awadis, at two months old in 2014. Rug was only 17 at the time, so Bosley has been with him for a significant part of the young man’s life. Rug shared a touching tribute on Instagram, along with photos of the BFFs through the years as they both grew up.
On top of his FaZe Clan members, many YouTubers, streamers, and content creators commented with their support. Sam Golbach said, “so sorry for your loss man :/ rip BOSLEY,” Colby Brock said, going through the same thing man i’m so sorry,” and Lucas Dobre said, “RIP.”
I was doing something really cool in Vegas and you have that feeling I had some weird feeling that something’s off something not right, so I decided to call my dad and you know I was talking to him I’m like ‘‘’oh like I did this how’’’s this how’’’s that’’’ and you know my dad just said ‘hey uh I’m just going home to Bosley right now he doesn’t he doesn’t look good you know”’
FaZe Rug, YouTube, November 2023
Bosley was also Rug’s family dog, so his family joined him in a video dedicated to him.
Pretty much as soon as the video dropped, some haters noticed the video was monetized and took shots saying Rug is pushing his family dog’s death to get more views. Rug replied on Twitter that he’s donating the proceeds from the video to the Hope For Paws animal rescue.
Also, I’m donating every penny I make from the video to Hope For Paws, a charity for animal rescue. I truly hope you understand this was in no way shape or form ill intent making these videos, and we just want to grieve in peace. Bosley will live in our hearts forever and thank… https://t.co/8ouK0JZuLU
— Rug (@FaZeRug) November 16, 2023
You can meet his other dogs in our FaZe Rug celebrity pet profile.