Meet Dancing Doggy Duo Tori Nishino and Bon Bon

Bon Bon the rescue pup and his mom Tori Nishino are currently living their best lives dancing it up on TikTok and Instagram – But it wasn’t always that way.

Meet Dancing Doggy Duo Tori Nishino and Bon Bon
Credit: @torinishino/Instagram

Tori used to have a cushy corporate job that left her unfulfilled. She also dealt with an eating disorder and addiction. Bon Bon is a Poodle-Chihuahua mix rescued from the streets of Mexico. He was found with extremely matted fur that was missing patches, completely covered in fleas, and severely underweight.

Before adopting Bon Bon three years ago, Tori made some big changes in her life. She quit her job and pursued her passions in dance, wellness, and creating videos.

And when she adopted Bon Bon, she found the pup was a natural at standing up on his hind legs.

Tori’s dance and tutorial videos were already popular, but requests for Bon Bon features kept pouring in.

The joy of this duo not only spreads to all their millions of followers – It also infects random people who pass by!

And all the pretty pups walk like this:

Bon Bon always gets the party bumpin’

He can be a bit competitive.

Bon Bon has also tried to teach his fellow doggos to dance.

You can dance along with Tori and Bonbon at @torinishino on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

More In: Dogs