Kate Beckinsale is a proud Pom mom (and proud cat lady) so she fit right in at what she called a “Pomeranian bonanza”. It was the first Los Angeles party thrown by Empire State of Poms and Lara Eurdolian, who specialize in hosting Pom-related events. This follows Kate being hospitalized a few months ago but luckily she had her pets there to comfort her.

Kate posed with a new Barbie pink hairstyle, her friends Ashley Kechian and Jose Corella, and of course their pretty Poms. Swipe through Kate’s carousel bellow to see all the furry fun, including some amazing dog-friendly desserts from @thedogbakery and support from Kaley Cuoco’s Oh Norman! dog brand (who is looking to hire a CTO – Chief Treats Officer) Kate also humble-bragged in her caption, “I am perturbed that out of all these dogs, Myf’s bumhole was sniffed avidly more than anyone else’s but I am choosing to take it as a positive.”
This exclusive @empirestateofpoms party has two Pom ambassadors @chuckiepom and @pompomcharlie, who looked extra glam after grooming with Tweezerman Pet Collection and Raw Sugar Living’s new Fur Kids Collection. And funds were raised to support Lisa Vanderpump’s @vanderpumpsdogs charity! Take a look at these proud pups’ recap below:
We recently covered Pom Pom Charlie’s (aka Carlie Westin King) incredible story of how at 18 years old, he quit his hotel concierge job and became a published author!