If you ask any fans of Kaley Cuoco, they’d most likely agree she’s as well-known for her animal advocacy and love of rescuing pets as she is for acting. So her story of having to rehome a dog came as a shock to many of them. The vocal adoption advocate has had many rescue dogs over the years and currently has three. she also has a whole ranch filled with rescued farm animals and launched her own pet brand called Oh Norman! last year. This brings us to her recent video, where she admits a difficult story because she felt she owed it to her fans as an animal advocate. And with the hopes the story also helps others in the incredibly hard decision of rehoming a pet.

In a long video that was clearly hard to record, Cuoco is seen tearing up and sniffling, “There’s something that’s been weighing to me that I’m ready to share now. Especially that I run and I’m partnered with running my own dog care company, Oh Norman! I think it’s important to be honest about anything animal-related…” She addressed that many fans have wondered why she stopped posting about her adopted pitbull Shirly a few years ago – A dog she’s had since she was 6 weeks old.
To summarize, Cuoco’s dog Shirley, who she loved very much, was becoming dangerous to Cuoco’s other beloved family members and even to herself. So she made the hard choice to rehome Shirley but ensured Shirley would be in a happy home. She clearly did that as Shirly went on to live with Cuoco’s pet handlers/trainers who help her with the long list of rescue pets and farm animals that she welcomes into her home and ranch.
While friendly with humans, Shirley became quite aggressive with her partner’s dog and other dogs, the danger was too high – Especially with Cuoco having a baby. The video’s comments, while now turned off, had a mix of positive and negative. Some comments included more extreme statements such as Cuoco should have broken up with her partner or got him to rehome his dog instead. But many were supportive of her being open about it to encourage discussion as well as the touchy subject of rehoming and how she did everything she could to ensure Shirley’s wellbeing. But sadly, the reason Cuoco decided to share this story now was because Shirley had just passed away from cancer at almost 14 years old. But she took solace in the fact that her ex-pup’s last years were happy ones.
For some cheerful Cuoco pet-related news, check out her most recent adoption story of Dolly the Cane Corso and her appointing a rescue dog as her first CTO (Chief Treats Officer).