Kernel the Great Dane is a therapy and service dog for Alyssa Berkovitz, who runs Wagnificent Co., an off-leash dog-walking in Boston. Kernel is as friendly as he is big, with 300k+ followers and plenty of IRL friends. Alongside his human Alyssa, Kernel leads off-leash walks through miles of beautiful trails.

On their doggy walks, Alyssa and Kernel became friends with Maura and Cal, an elderly they’d often see on the trails. Then one day they saw only the wife walking and found out the sad news that her husband passed away…
According to his human, Kernel has a thing for old ladies and has picked up grandmas before. But this grandma (Maura) really hit it off with Kernel.
And after her husband’s loss, she fondly recalled the times Kernel made her husband laugh. And so grandma went out looking for Kernel.
After Grandma joined a few walks, Kernel decided to adopt her and make her the official New Grandma!

I am amazed by all this attention not just from the dogs but from all you lovely people!
@maurawings (aka New Grandma, Instagram, May 2023
This lovely story went viral over the summer. And Kernel visited Maura at her home to congratulate her.
Then, even after a back injury, Grandma got right back into action as soon as she recovered!
You can follow @kernelthegreatdane on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. For another doggo doing good, meet Noodle the Pupper – from service dog to Disney darling.