Poseidon the Bengal is an adventure cat that caught the eye of the CelebrityPets.net team right away: From his dashing good looks, to his prime athleticism, to his scenic backdrops. Now that we’ve seen his adventures, we wanted to know who really is the cat behind the cool shades and stylish coat? And how did he so successfully live up to being named after the ancient Greek god of the sea? So we reached out for an interview. Luckily, he must have got reception out in the backcountry and took a break to get back to us!

We first talked with Ragene (Poseidon’s human) to fill us in on Bengals and for some backstory. Then Poseidon filled us in on what it’s like to be an adventure cat at the peak of his game.
Celebrity Pets: How did you and Poseidon meet and why did you choose a Bengal?
Ragene: We chose a Bengal cat because of our active lifestyle. My husband and I had both owned Bengals many years before, so we were familiar with their temperament and energy levels. We spend a lot of time outdoors and on the water, so a Bengal made perfect sense to us. Before beginning the search for Poseidon, we had two sweet house cats. Sadly one passed away and I felt bad for the one left since it had lost its playmate.

So we began our search for the purrfect breeder of Bengals. It took me approximately one year to narrow down the list of breeders to the one I felt was the best match for us. I wanted a Bengal kitten that was being raised in a house like a pet and who had been socialized, and raised with other pets. This all helped in having a kitten that was relaxed in areas where there are dogs, new faces, and unfamiliar noises. And of course, I wanted a breeder who was ethical, friendly, raised quality Bengals, and who had a great passion and love for the cats they raised.
We met Poseidon when my husband and I flew to Austin, TX to pick him up. We spent one night with him in a hotel before flying to Columbus, OH. He was the cutest little thing and played from the start. He did amazing in the airport and on the flight.
Celebrity Pets: Wow, sounds like it was an adventure just getting him! So what makes a Bengal different than your standard house kitty?
Ragene: Obviously the main thing that makes them stand out is their appearance. One look at a Bengal and you can see that this isn’t the typical house cat. Don’t get me wrong, I love Moggie cats too, and over the years I have owned more than I could begin to count. The second most notable difference is the energy level.
We are all familiar with active kittens; however, a Bengal has that energy level but on steroids; they are much more time-demanding and the high energy level doesn’t go away until they are much older.
Ragene, Posiedon’s Meowmy

The “kitten stage” also last until they are around age two. Without a lot of attention, stimulation, toys, and activities they will make their own fun, which can be quite destructive. Bengals will often be found on the highest place they can find in your home; so tall cat trees and climbing areas are important. One of my favorite differences between Bengals and the standard house kitty is the shedding. Bengal cats shed very little and they require no additional grooming. This also makes them a nice alternative cat for someone with allergies. Bengals are highly trainable which makes them naturals on a leash and their love of water makes for extra fun. Many people refer to Bengals as being “dog-like”.
Celebrity Pets: Can you share more on why Bengals are suited for adventures and water activities?
Ragene: This is one of the biggest draws to this breed for us. We have a boat on Lake Erie from April – October. In addition to boating we also enjoy beach walking and Poseidon loves to wade and play in the waves at the shore edge. We also kayak local rivers and streams and he loves to join us. We love having a cat who enjoys these activities.
My daily routine involves Poseidon requesting the water to be turned on in the bathroom sink as I get ready for work. Then when I go to work, I’ll leave a couple of inches of water and some rattle balls in the bathtub for him. This helps keep him busy when I am away from the house. We have been doing this routine since we acquired him at age twelve weeks old. As with anything, familiarity and making it a positive experience is important.
Celebrity Pets: So Bengals sound like a fun pet, but do need extra care and attention. What are some tips for anyone thinking of getting a Bengal?
Ragene: Take your time and find a breeder that is right for you. The right breeder will ensure you have a happy and healthy kitten. If you are looking for a calm lap cat, then this may not be the right breed. Bengals are best in a household that is active and can provide the stimulation they need.
Celebrity Pets: What makes Poseidon special to you? Do they have any funny quirks?
Ragene: Poseidon is special because he is a member of the family. We try to include him in as many things as possible.
His quirk that I love the most is his demand for praise when hiking. We take walks several times a week and he will stop midwalk, sit at my feet, look up at me and do a slow blink, demand his head be scratched, and for me to tell him he’s a good boy.
Ragene, Posiedon’s Meowmy
Then, after his praise, he gets a boost to his step and continues on his walk. He will do this several times every walk. I’ve offered treats but he only really wants praise. Even my simple words of “good job man” will put pep in his step.
Celebrity Pets: Cool that Poseidon is a man who knows what he wants. Can you share another story that captures his personality?
Ragene: Poseidon’s personality is very “in control and in charge”; this is most obvious when we are out on the boat. He wants to stand on the bow of the boat and take it all in. When on the open water of Lake Erie we do not allow him to stand on the bow; however when we are slowly riding in our harbor or going out the channel into the main lake, he always stands front and center with his head held high. His stature and presence on the boat catches the eyes of other boaters who are typically quite surprised to see this large spotted cat cruising onboard. Poseidon wants to always be in the lead. Even on walks he is always steps ahead. He thinks he is the leader of the pack.

Celebrity Pets: Now some questions for Pack Leader Poseidon. Did you train for your outdoor adventuring or you’re just a natural? Or both?
Poseidon: Oh I’m a natural. 100%. I don’t remember ever being trained, and I don’t remember a time that I wasn’t kayaking, paddleboarding, boating, backpacking, or hiking. My Meowmy says that she never really had to train me, but that she just made sure I was exposed to many different activities from the first day she brought me to live with her. They intentionally exposed me to lots of sounds, sights and smells as a way to build my confidence. I have a lot of trust in my Pawrents, so for the most part I go along with whatever they want me to try.

I’ve been on vacation and flew on an airplane, I’ve ridden a gondola to the top of a mountain in Colorado, I’ve been sled riding, I’ve ridden on four-wheelers, and gone Jeepin’, and through it all I put my full trust into my pawrents. I’m lucky that they watch my cues and they reassure me that they are always going to protect me.
Poseidon the Bengal, Adventure Cat
Celebrity Pets: On that note, what are your favorite outdoor recreational activities?
Poseidon: Hmmm, it’s hard to pick a favorite. When I’m boating and watching seagulls overhead, I think it’s my favorite… But then when I’m sitting on the nose of a kayak, watching turtles slide off of logs into the river, I think it’s my favorite… When I’m hiking and listening to the birds sing, I think it’s my favorite… When I’m on the waves of the lake, floating on a raft, I think it’s my favorite… When I’m sitting on a pet-friendly restaurant patio eating baked chicken, I think it’s my favorite… I think my favorite outdoor recreational activity is whatever I’m doing at that moment!
Celebrity Pets: Hey I’m also a fan of eating chicken on a patio! Your aquatic skills are specifically noteworthy. Can you tell us about your first experience paddleboarding?
Poseidon: My first experience with paddleboarding was when I was only about 4 or 5 months old. We have a pond on our farm and Meowmy put her paddleboard at the edge of the pond. As I stood on it, she slowly swam alongside the board and pushed it out into the middle of the pond. This was a great way for me to learn how this paddleboarding thing worked. The pond was very warm and had calm water, and I had both of my Pawrents beside the board giving me a lot of praise and making sure I felt relaxed. Soon I was walking back and forth on the paddleboard and getting my sealegs. Now I can even play on a raft, while floating on the waves of Lake Erie, and I think it’s great fun!
Celebrity Pets: Cool, wish I had your core strength last time I paddle-boarded. So what are your favorite places to visit?
Poseidon: I was born in Austin, TX and then moved to Ohio when my Pawrents got me. I’ve traveled to Colorado for vacation. But for the most part, my travels and explorations all take place in Ohio. Many people don’t realize the beauty that Ohio has and I love showcasing the natural beauty of this state. I love visiting restaurants, wineries, and breweries and hanging out on pet-friendly patios. But my overall favorite places are the islands in Lake Erie. I can frequently be found at marinas and out taking walks on South Bass, Middle Bass, and Kelleys Island.
Celebrity Pets: Do you have a special talent or do any tricks?
Poseidon: Adventuring is my main talent… I think I’m awesome at it. I only have a couple tricks. My first trick is that I know the command “sit”. I was taught this because I used to pace and get in the way when it was my mealtime. I was trained to sit on command so that my Pawrents could fill my bowl without me being in the way. I also have excellent puzzle-solving skills. I have one of the pet puzzles that treats are hidden in… I can solve it in record time by opening, twisting, and sliding the necessary puzzle hatches to get my treat rewards.
Celebrity Pets: Impressive! If I had to solve a puzzle to get my treats I’d still be working on a vintage 1990s pack of M&Ms. Sounds like you’re generally a good boy, but have you ever got up to any trouble?
Poseidon: I’m a really good boy and haven’t done anything too naughty… But I have had a few mishaps; we like to call these “learning experiences”. Most of them have been good opportunities for my Pawrents to learn lessons.
One day I got tangled in my leash by rolling around on the ground. When Meowmy picked me up to untangle me, I thought she was the one who caused my problem so I smacked her with my claws. I felt so bad about it afterwards 🙁
Another time I was hiking and saw a squirrel; I quickly leaped after it and yanked the leash out of Meowmy’s hand. I was so startled that I ran out of sight through backyards and hid under a bush in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Meowmy searched for me for two hours. It was a scary situation for everyone. Now I wear a tracker and Meowmy always keeps the leash in her hand and as a backup, she has an extra attachment hooked to her belt loop.

Then another time I was lying in the sun near our pond during a family picnic. A relative had their very large but sweetheart of a dog there. The dog decided to sniff my butt; I”m not familiar with this type of greeting so I smacked the dog and made his nose bleed. I really didn’t realize that he was just trying to say “hi” to me. The dog never tried to strike up a conversation after that…
And one day I was out fishing with dad in his bass boat. The urge to poop hit me and he hadn’t brought my portable litter box. So I crawled into a cubby compartment under the dash in the boat and used it as my litter box. On the pawsitive side, now my Pawrents always remember my litter box!
Celebrity Pets: When you’re not out adventuring, how do you like to kick back and relax?
Poseidon: I have a cat bed in a window at my house. I love laying in my bed taking naps and watching the birds at the bird feeders outside of the window. I also am a big fan of cat-tv on YouTube and I have an aquarium at home that I enjoy watching. I play hard and nap even harder.

Celebrity Pets: When your life story is turned into a feature film, what celebrity would play you and your human(s)? Who would co-star?
Poseidon: The celebrity who would play me is @SurferCatMav; we look a lot alike and he’s ameowzing. The co-star would be Liebchen the Adventure Cat. My Meowmy is a sweet down-to-earth person, so I think Reese Witherspoon would be great. My dad is funny, active, and adrenaline driven, so I think Matthew McConaughey.

Celebrity Pets: Yes it is easy to envision a movie poster of you perched on McConaughey’s shoulder. If you hosted a TED Talk, what would the topic be?
Poseidon: My TED Talk would be about the great state of Ohio and the key areas of the state that aren’t what most people envision. The entire north coast of the state is on a great lake; unsalted and shark-free. There are caves, valleys, rolling hills, and scenic waterfalls. Beautiful inland lakes, rolling streams, fields of grain, and cities to explore. This is a great state for pet-ventures.
Celebrity Pets: If you were stuck on a deserted island, what are the 5 essential items you’d take?
Poseidon: Oh this is easy… On a deserted island I’d have my BriskTails backpack, my Torus travel water bowl (it has a filter so that I can keep my water nice), my Surfercat harness and leash, and my fifth essential item would be my boat.
Celebrity Pets: For any aspiring feline adventurers, what equipment and accessories do you recommend?
Poseidon: I love H-style harnesses and SurferCat makes one that is my favorite. It has a floating back so it’s so comfortable for me to wear. I also love my SurferCat carry bag; I get to sit in this on pet-friendly patios, while I’m carried in stores and ride in shopping carts, on farm market visits, and when I fly on an airplane. I also have a BriskTails backpack that is one of my favorite things. My Pawrents always keep a backpack with us for those times that I get tired or have decided I don’t want to walk any longer. The backpack is nice because I have a safe place to hide if I see a dog on a beach or trail that I’m not comfortable with. I recommend a pet booster seat in the car. This allows me to be tethered in but I’m at a level that I can easily see out the windows and I can get head scratches anytime I want. Oh, and I can’t forget my stylish L&L PAWS Japan bandanas… They make me feel extra fancy. (And if any kitties reading this want to feel extra fancy too, you can use my discount code: Poseidon15)

Celebrity Pets: If you just won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy or do?
Poseidon: An even bigger catio than the one I already own. I love my catio but I want one of those giant fancy ones that are the size of a living room. Oh, and I’d also get a giant cat wheel for it. I would love a cat-wheel but I don’t have the space for one.
Celebrity Pets: Imagine you’re a late-night talk show host of Primetime with Poseidon, who would be your top three celebrity guests and why?
Poseidon: It would be Drew Barrymore (she’s a crazy cat lady), Kate Beckinsale (she has a cat that is spoiled too), and @Miss_Rigby_Boatkitty from Instagram (I’ve never met an Australian Boat Cat so I could take some notes).
Celebrity Pets: If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Poseidon: To know that bees aren’t fun and grasshoppers are faster than you realize!
Celebrity Pets: Are there any pets you’re a fan of that you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Poseidon: My list is a mile long. I have so many fabulous furiends; some of which I’ve already mentioned. I’d like to give a shoutout to my furiends in Switzerland, @Swiss_bengal; I love Yuri, Nisha, Jadis, and Tini. I also love my furiend in England named Pippin (@a_garden_for_pippin). I love seeing what kitties around the world are doing. I feel a little bad about not being able to mention all of my furiends but I hope they all realize that I love all of them and there isn’t enough time to name them all! It feels good knowing that I share adventures and explorations with cats around the globe who are also breaking feline stereotypes.
Celebrity Pets: Have any adventures planned for the summer?
Poseidon: We are looking forward to many days on the water. We don’t have any vacations planned right now, but every weekend feels like a mini-vacation when I’m hanging with my Pawrents and chasing the sun from sunrise to sunset.
Celebrity Pets: Before we go, we also want to give a shoutout to Poseidon’s roommates Birdie and Fisher:
Celebrity Pets: Really appreciate taking time out from your busy adventure schedule to chat with us Poseidon! (and Ragene). We loved hearing your stories and getting to know you better, and we’re sure our readers will too!
You can follow @poseidon_purrfectadventures on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.