Lucas the Dog is easily the most dedicated Swifty with four legs. Not only is Lucas a huge fan of Taylor Swift, he also has plenty in common with the multi-hyphenate celebrity, as he’s also an incredibly talented singer, actor, director, and creator with an outstanding work ethic. And it hasn’t gone unnoticed with over 35 million likes and counting on TikTok.

But most importantly, T-Swizzle herself is a fan who’s commented on two of Lucas’ videos. Swift even said in an Instagram Story that the respect she has for Lucas the Dog is usually reserved for cats… But before we get into that, we’re going to rewind to Lucas’ early days.
Celebrity Pets: Thanks Lucas for making time in your busy filming schedule for this interview. Before we get into your canine career and becoming a very rare dog that T-Swift respects. What was your puppy life like?
Lucas the Dog: I was a very happy puppy. During my first year of life, I used to play every morning with my best friend, Bizco. We first met in a plaza near my house, along with my sisters and another childhood friend, Nina. From then on, we were inseparable. Every time I saw him, I went to greet him, and that’s how my mom became friends with Bizco’s mom, and we always hung out until he moved to another city. I was sad; I used to go look for him every day at his place, but my family explained to me that he had moved away. After a few years, we saw each other once more, and although I was a little mad at him, we started playing again like in our childhood. Unfortunately, I can’t see Bizco anymore, but thanks to him, I know what it’s like to have a good friend. I’ll always miss him a lot. I haven’t had a friend like him since then.
CP: Can you tell us a bit about your sisters and other human family members?
Lucas the Dog: Yes! We are a family of six. I’m the only boy in the family alongside my dad. I have 3 sisters; my eldest sister has moved out and started her own family with her furry kids… (traitor!) And my twin sisters who help me with my influencer and acting career. I’m the youngest. My favorite time of the week is the weekend because we go out for breakfast together as a family – my dad, my mom, and my twin sisters. We started this tradition because my sisters saw how happy it made me to go out together in the mornings and sit in a café. I love it! We call it “Sábado, Sabadete” and “Domingo, Domingon.”
Mmm, my entire personality, you have to know me to see what’s special about me. I always carry my tail high since I was little; the other dachshunds in my neighborhood are more cowardly, but I’m not afraid of anything.
Lucas the Dog, on what his fans would say that makes him “special”
CP: Can you share a TikTok that captures your personality?
Lucas the Dog: If there’s a TikTok that captures my personality, it’s definitely this one I created about being an “enjoyer” (Disfrutón). My family always uses that word to describe me, and it’s the foundation of my personality.
@iamcalledlucas be like me y sé un disfrutón de la vida #dogsoftiktok #enjoylife #doglife ♬ sonido original – Lucas (Taylor’s Version)
CP: You’re a truly incredible canine actor with an impressive range. From conveying emotions, action scenes, costumes, characters, and even playing multiple roles in a single scene. How did you get into acting and become so talented?
Lucas the Dog: Thanks to the pandemic, my sisters and I spent much more time together since they didn’t have to study or couldn’t work, and they love spending time with me. We had a great time and focused on my social media career, and as you know, we’re Swifties. Taylor’s songs tell a wealth of stories that you can easily imagine in your head, so we decided to create small music videos for each of the songs. Surprisingly, the talent was already within me and was being wasted.
CP: When did you become a Swiftie? And when did you start making T-Swift videos?
Lucas the Dog: Well, I have to admit that the first Swiftie in the family was my sister Carmen, one of the twins. And gradually, she converted our whole family, but I was the first to follow her. She’s been a Swiftie since early 2012, and it didn’t take long for me to become one too. You can find photos of me with Taylor’s albums since then. But I started making videos when I created my TikTok account in 2020.
CP: What was your first T-Swift video that went viral and what was the experience like?
Lucas the Dog: the one Taylor posted on her story. It felt unreal.
@iamcalledlucas my dramatic self thinking about the fact that i didn't meet taylor while listening to #folklore in my mini #cardigan #taylorswift #swiftie #fyp #exile ♬ exile – Taylor Swift
CP: So what is it like being the one dog that Taylor Swift respects as much as a cat?
Lucas the Dog: The greatest achievement of my life! But I’m sure that if she met me in person, she would respect me more than any cat…

CP: Taylor went on to comment on one of your TikToks. What is it like knowing your Queen watches your videos?
Lucas the Dog: Those two times when Taylor became aware of my existence have been the best moments of my life. Although she has never noticed one of my music videos where I deliver great acting performances, I just hope she’s a loyal fan and enjoys them secretly. Someday, I hope to have the opportunity to ask her which video is her favorite out of all the ones I’ve made. My big and only goal is to make Taylor smile as many times as possible and to make her life even happier with my existence. To me, she’s like one of my sisters; I’ve grown up with her. And if there’s anyone who deserves a little bit of love from me, it’s her and my family. I love you, Taylor!
CP: If it’s even possible to pick, do you have a favorite T-Swift music video?
Lucas the Dog: That’s a tough question. I love all of them. For example, her recent videos that have been directed by her are excellent. She always finds a way to surprise us in each and every one of her videos. I love “Me!” because of the beginning where she speaks French and addresses her cats Meredith and Olivia as her daughters. That moment won me over. I’ve always thought that even though I don’t like cats, Meredith and I would get along well. “Delicate” is also one of my favorites. It would be fun to visit the hotel in Los Angeles where it was filmed and recreate it, wouldn’t it?
CP: And what are some favorite T-Swift videos that you’ve made?
Lucas the Dog: Definitely, in the videos where I deliver an Oscar-worthy performance, such as in “The Great War.” A fun fact about this video is that when the soldier falls to the ground (me), he’s actually getting up, but it’s played in reverse. Another fun fact about another video where I’m dressed as a soldier, for the video of “Epiphany,” we were going to Barcelona to shoot it, and on the train ride there, when passing through security, they made us open the suitcase because they thought we were carrying a real weapon (the gun that appears in the video). We had to explain to the guard, and he laughed!
“Speak Now” is a video that I’m very proud of; I filmed it in a small church in the town where I usually spend my summers. There weren’t many people around, so I took advantage of the moment. Also, Enchanted, which I recorded in the subway of New York City, feels like a little romcom starring me. It turned out very romantic.
“Cowboy like me” was a lot of fun to shoot for me; between scenes, I ran like a rabbit up the mountain. Although it wasn’t as fun for my sisters because they had to carry the horse that appears in the video on their backs to reach the mountaintop.
And two recent favorites that I delivered excellent performances in are “I Can See You” and “Dorothea”
CP: We’d love to hear about your experience working on your videos. Can you walk us through the behind-the-scenes video below?
@iamcalledlucas Taylor shared some behind the scenes from All Too Well: The Short Film today. So… I want to do the same #A#AllTooWellTheShortFilmD#DogVersionBehindTheScenes #SwiftTok #TaylorSwift #Swiftie ♬ All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) – Taylor Swift
Lucas the Dog: In that video, I included some of the deleted scenes from the filming of my version of “All Too Well: The Short Film”. In the first scene where I appear, I had to walk and look back, like when Dylan O’Brien does in the original video when he throws the car keys to Sadie Sink, but sometimes there were so many sticks in the scene that I had to remove them, as you can see in the video. And one of the drawbacks of wearing a wig is that it falls off… and you have to redo the scene. If you pay attention to the final video, in the last part of the short film when I play Redhead Taylor, it falls off when closing the door, and we left the scene like that because my team and I found it funny!
My sisters put me in context before and during each scene. They tell me if I have to have a broken heart, or if someone is breaking up with me, etc. They also help me focus with treats, and the costumes help me differentiate the personality of each character. When they put on the red mohawk or sunglasses, I know I’m a tough guy or a heartbreaker.
Lucas the Dog, on playing multiple roles in a single video
@iamcalledlucas lover part 1 #loveralbum #taylorswift #swifttok @taylorswift ♬ Lover – Taylor Swift
CP: The team behind your video production, costumes, and makeup are great – Who helps you with that?
Lucas the Dog: My twin sisters and I do all the work. Except for my famous mini cardigan, which was made for me by my aunt @musgoyvareta.
@iamcalledlucas BTS All Too Well Short Film (Lucas’ version) #alltoowelltheshortfilm #SwiftTok #taylorswift @iamcalledlucas ♬ All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) – Taylor Swift
CP: Now onto your latest hit video: “Fortnight” (Dog Version). Can you share the experience creating such an accurate canine version of T-Swift’s video? (love the lace gloves, btw)
Lucas the Dog: Thanks, the lace gloves were my favorite part too. It was the first time I wore gloves, and I didn’t dislike the experience. I’ll keep them in my closet; hopefully, I can wear them again someday. Regarding my experience creating the video… Well, I’m a professional, and my work is always easy for me. It only requires patience. Sometimes my team needs extra time to fix the details in the scene or find the exact frame, so I have to wait dressed as a Victorian lady among soft cushions. But well, I can’t complain…
CP: Lucas and T-Swift fans have noticed how you were impressively able to post your video only a day after Taylor’s dropped… How did you pull that off?
Lucas the Dog: My sisters noticed most of the wardrobe in the teaser Taylor posted a day before, so they put their hands to work. We had bought a typewriter a few days before because we thought it would fit the aesthetic of the album, and we weren’t wrong! I’m sure I will get to use it more times for my videos.
CP: You also were a very lucky pup and got great seats for The Eras Tour in New York. Please tell us that story!
Lucas the Dog: It was my first time at a stadium show, so my sisters and I went to the back of our section to avoid the crowds, but the truth is I felt very comfortable, like at home. Turns out, I adore concerts. Since the concert ended late and it was past my bedtime, I fell asleep during part of it because I’m a baby… My favorite set was Midnights; I paid a lot of attention to that set, maybe because of all those blue colors. Everyone was very kind to me, and they signed my Junior Jewels shirt. And we exchanged friendship bracelets; many people had made me friendship bracelets in my size, and they were very cute. It was a wonderful experience.
CP: Besides your incredible acting skills, do you have any other special talents or do any tricks?
Lucas the Dog: I’m really good at all interactive puzzles. I’ve completed all the levels. I’m very smart.
@iamcalledlucas Learning with Lucas! I’ve created an amazon list with all my activity games #vlog #dogvlog #activitygames #dailyvlog ♬ original sound – Lucas (Taylor’s Version)
CP: When you’re not focusing on your acting and influencer career, what do you do for fun or to relax?
Lucas the Dog: I like to take naps, play fetch, play with my toys, sunbathe on bar terraces, and travel. The most exciting thing to do is explore new places.
CP: You’re quite the fashionisto. What are some of your favorite outfits?
Lucas the Dog: Easier to show than tell.
Oh and my sisters? It’s not very difficult to be more stylish than them… to be honest.
CP: When your life story is turned into a feature film, what celebrity would play you and your sisters?
Lucas the Dog: I would play myself, of course! Saoirse Ronan is a great actress, and she could play one of my sisters, but she doesn’t have a twin, so we would need two actresses who look alike. As I would be the main character and director of the feature film, I would conduct a selective casting for my co-stars. I would be the boss!
CP: Imagine you’re the talk show host of Late Night with Lucas, who would be your top three celebrity guests and why?
Lucas the Dog: Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift! I think I don’t need to explain that one.
CP: Is there a charity or non-profit organization you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Lucas the Dog: Yes, Muttville Senior Dog Rescue is a place where I feel connected, as I’m considered a senior dog. I appreciate the idea of people who are passionate about saving senior dogs and giving them a chance. Most people only see cuteness in puppies, but we seniors are wiser and just as cute, believe me.
CP: Are there any pet influencers you’re a fan of or are friends with that you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Lucas the Dog: Yes! I’m friends with Olive and Freddie. Every time I visit New York, we see each other, and they always bring me Bocce’s treats, which I love and can’t regularly have because they are not available in Spain. Last time, I brought matching bandanas, and we looked like a cool band group.
CP: Have any exciting plans coming up?
Lucas the Dog: I have a lot of trips planned for this summer! I’m going to visit Amsterdam for the first time, and we will go to James Mcvey’s show. He’s the guitarist from The Vamps, but he’s touring solo in May, and I’m going to meet up with him again. The Vamps is my favorite band, and they were the first celebrities to support me in my social media career. They are like my friends, and my sisters are big fans of them. In June, I will visit the UK for the first time, and my sisters will attend the Eras Tour concerts in Liverpool and London. I won’t attend this time… but I will explore the whole country, record new videos, and meet many new people.
CP: And when you finally hang out with T-Swift, what will you want to say to her or what will you talk about?
Lucas the Dog: I know the first time will be the first of many because once you get to know me, you won’t let me go. I’m sure she’ll become obsessed with me like my family did. I’ll ask her to play ball with me to make sure we have a good time!
CP: Thanks for your time Lucas and can’t wait to see what videos you drop over the summer! Make sure to follow @iamcalledlucas on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. You can also visit him at And check out our original article: Lucas the Dog posts a perfect recreation of the “Fortnight” music video.