When Dave Bautista isn’t playing a big, tough guy on screen, he’s usually a big softy playing with his family of four rescue pitbulls. And ever since he started adopting pitbulls in the 2010s, he’s also spent plenty of time advocating for rescue centers.

And for “Adopt a Shelter Pet Day,” he of course had to tell his adoption story and give a shout-out to some of his favorite rescue organizations and encourage his fans to adopt.
And just two weeks ago for National Pet Day, he featured his four fur babies on his Insta.
Here’s a throwback to when Bautista adopted Penny, who was cruelly chained up for so long that the chain was embedded in her neck. After he donated to help find the evil humans that did it, he ended up taking her home too!
Back in March, Bautista told the story of how he was convinced to adopt his 4th pitbull by Millie Bobby Brown and Chris Pratt.