Canada border agents were checking out packages when they noticed one from China with a notable hole in it. The agent peeked into the hole and saw a pair of eyes staring back… They opened the box to find the contents being one cat.
The poor kitty needed urgent care and was very dehydrated, skinny, and scared. But at least she didn’t have to go to the bathroom in her box during the long ordeal. Once she was picked up by the local SPCA, she was given the purrfect name of “precious Cargo”.

Precious Cargo was found inside a package that traveled all the way from Asia. It is unclear how long she was in transit, but she was discovered to be severely dehydrated, fearful, and underweight, requiring urgent care.
A BC SPCA Animal Control Officer rushed to the mailing facility where Precious was discovered to bring her to an emergency vet. Once under medical care, she was hooked up to fluids to rehydrate, was tested for foreign parasites and viruses and was closely monitored 24/7. Her medical team also vaccinated her against rabies as a precautionary measure. Poor Precious was so fearful, she wasn’t showing interest in her food and needed medication to stimulate her appetite. After a week under the watchful eye of the emergency vet, she has now been discharged and placed into a foster home where she can continue to heal.
@bcspca, Instagram, May 2023
Despite the trauma of her journey, Precious started to feel safe and trust the humans caring for her. She has grown fond of stretching out across her foster mom’s lap and enjoying belly rubs❤. Will you show this survivor your loving kindness by contributing to her medical care? Visit the link in our bio.
It’s still unknown what Precious Cargo’s backstory is, but she’s recovering with her foster mom and will hopefully find her forever home asap!
For another feline rescue story, check out: These shelter cats were sent to prison! (for therapeutic purposes)