If you’re looking for some summer fun inspo, check out Didga, a rescue cat and his brother from another mother Boomer, a bengal. They live in Australia with Robert Dollwet (@Catmantoo) and both know how to ride, party and chill better than most humans.

Didga has been famous for a few years, thanks to his skateboarding skills. He’s also the world-record holder for most tricks done by a cat.
But it ends up his little brother Boomer has skills boarding as well:
Unlike most cats, these guys aren’t afraid of water. Here’s Boomer on a skimboard:
And here’s Didga casually surfing across a pool:
They also love to pop up an umbrella and chill at the beach:

They also love to crack a cold one open with the boys, even if they’re a bunch of tough looking doggos:

And they’re not against posing for the perfect Instagram sunset shot either:

For another pair of adventurous kitties, check out Bolt and Keel: Rescued from a garbage can now climb mountains.