Tika the Iggy and Jared Leto Link Up for Leto’s Signature “Hot Mess” Makeup Tutorial

Tika the Iggy, one of the celebrity pet world’s most exalted doggy fashion influencers, recently met up with Jared Leto, a human as well known for his fashion as his acting. Leto went viral over the summer for his tutorials on his “hot mess” makeup style. Then, on October 10th, Tika joined Leto in his bathroom to help him out.

Leto started by asking Tika for her expert advice, “Where do you think we should go with color today? Maybe I should match you. a little silver?” Tika, as confident in her makeup choices as her fashion, stated, “Jared, today we go with blue.” which looks like an excellent match for her dress and his eyes. With such a hot celebrity pet in his bathroom, Leto was a little embarrassed about his messy setup. Tika was a little concerned about getting makeup on her designer Grig Paris coat, but quickly assured him, “I’m not here to judge you Jared.”

Make sure to check out our feature on Tika the Iggy, and that time Jared Leto dressed up as Karl Lagerfeld’s cat. (and FYI Tika’s new book just launched!)

More In: Dogs