Gavel, a German Shepherd from Queensland, Australia, came from a proud pedigree of police puppers and was destined to also join the force. To become a furry officer of the law, you need discipline, bravery and when the situation calls for it, you need to be tough on criminals. In Gavel’s case, the police trainers found he was just too friendly to be taking down bad guys. He was then sadly let go from the training program, but his luck quickly turned around.

During this time, he was being fostered at the official home of the Queensland governor. The staff there loved his friendliness, along with his professionalism that came from his training. This led to him being hired by the Government House as “Vice-Regal Dog” back in February.

Now formally titled Gavel VRD (Vice-Regal Dog), he spends his days welcoming guests, leading tour groups and attending events. He even gets his own official suit, displaying Queensland’s coat of arms. He’s actually outgrown four suits since being hired only a few months ago. Since he’s been such a good boy and loved by the governor, staff, and visitors, they’ve started sharing cute photos of him on Instagram for everyone to enjoy.

For more inspiring police doggos, check out Top 5 pitbull rescues from the K9 unit and The story of Deputy Shakes: From disabled rescue to celebrity cop.