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Chloe Bennet's Pets

Does Chloe Bennet Have Any Pets?

Wally (Dog)

Breed: French Bulldog

Actress and superhero Chloe Bennet has two dogs, one being this little cream french bulldog called Wally.

Arthur (Dog)

Breed: Maltipoo

Chloe bennet’s other dog is this fluffy multipoo named Arthur.

Parrot (Bird)

Chloe Bennet has a pet parrot which she describes as “An actual peach flavored angel chicken with the best dance moves in all the land.”

Chloe Bennet's pet Childhood Pets

Childhood Pets

Chloe Bennet grew up with several huge dogs, including Bullmastiffs and a 200-pound Tibetan Mastiff named Kitty. She’s also mentioned she temporarily had a pet squirrel as a kid. She lured a wild squirrel with nuts, but her parents made her release it.

Pearl Bing Bing (Pig)

Breed: Mini PIg | Adopted 2018

Logan Paul adopted a mini-pig named Pearl Bing Bing with his former girlfriend and Marvel Actress Chloe Bennet in 2018. After breaking up, the pig stayed with Logan Paul. In January 2023, Pearl made headlines when she was found abandoned and neglected by The Gentle Barn Sanctuary and you can read the full story here.

Chloe Bennet

Chloe Bennet Pets


April 18, 1992 (32)

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Chloe Bennet (Chloe Wang) is an American actress and singer. She is most well known for her role as Daisy Johnson (Quake) on the TV series Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Born in Chicago, her career started when she moved to China at age 15 to become a singer. In 2010 she moved to Los Angeles and released two singles: “Every Day in Between” and “Uh Oh”. Her first major TV role was on the drama series Nashville.