Think you’ve got a sick whip? Unless you’re a bunny rabbit riding around on a tortoise, no one’s going to care that much about your new car.
Check out these adorably hilarious photos of animals riding other animals!
This dog knows how to cross a stream!

This frog could not be striking a better pose.


Whiplash and his fellow cowboy monkey kill it as they corral sheep across the USA! Watch out ladies, these monkeys mean business.
Check out this kitten taken the hen on a ride!

Get your minds out of the gutter.
When your big friend helps you out ’cause you’re just smol

It helps having friends in high places.
Triple decker

These three really know how to collaborate.
Sir Puggelsworth III

Sir Puggelsworth attending to his equestrian duties.

Gets real cold ’round these parts.
Hitchin’ a ride.

Just a regular weasel doing regular weasel stuff.
When your dad gives you a piggy back ride

You don’t want to get cold feet!
Boneback Mountain: The Sequel

We think they nailed the recasting of Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger, no?
There you have it, fellow folks and floofers. Make sure you share this article with your ride or die bestie, so they know next time you link up you’ll be needing a piggyback ride. Much like this absolute beauty of a doggo duo.