Best of Drake’s ‘In My Feelings’ Challenge, Includes Two Dogs and a Cow

Drake‘s song In My Feelings has created a dance challenge, inspiring some pretty hilarious – and tragic – viral videos. But, as always, we like the ones with four-legs best.

The In My Feelings Challenge is also called the Keke Challenge or The Shiggy Dance Challenge. It’s got people jumping out of their cars to dance in the street. Fortunately, there are some amazing pups (and even one cow) who have the challenge dialled. Unfortunately, there are a few human casualties along the way.

Enjoy CPW’s favorites below!

This talented scootin’ floofer:

Of course, a half T-Rex half Golden Retriver:

This cow unwittingly joins in:

And, of course, a couple of human beings who really messed it up:

RELATED: See Drake’s $20,000 Puppy All Grown Up

More In: Cows, Dogs