The largest kitty in the city, Samson The Cat aka Catstradamus, reaches 4ft long and weighs 28lbs.
Meet Samson. He’s not fat by any means. He just happens to be a very large cat. Maine Coons are known to be gentle giants reaching 10 to 20 lbs. on average. Samson just happens to be a on the top end of “average”.

A quick search will show there are an unbelievable number of world records for cats out there and we are 100% sure that Samson, at his largest, had a chance at beating some of them. While he may be big, his dad, Jonathan Zurbel, once reassured fans that Samson isn’t fat.
I knew he would be big but I never knew he was going to be this big. First of all I just wanna put this out there my cat is not fat. People accuse him of being fat and I just want to stop cat shaming and body shaming cats. He’s not fat, he’s not Kate Moss, he’s not a supermodel but he is a big healthy sturdy cat. I’ve always been posting his pictures because I love him so much. I think he’s so beautiful and I want to share him.
Jonathan Zurbel with “The Gothamist”
In recent years Catstradamus has been joined by Dante @catstradante. Dante, or Danté Magnus Nicodemus, also happens to be a Maine Coon but isn’t nearly as big…. or will he be?

For more Samson, follow him on Instagram, and TikTok.
So large he needs both hands

“Get Up, I dare you”