Rare two-headed turtle discovered in Florida

The craziest things happen in Florida. From snack-sized seahorse rescues to dogs inheriting a 12.4 million dollar fortune they’ve truly got it all. We can now add two-headed sea beasts to the list!

On Tuesday, August 17th a rare two-headed loggerhead turtle was found by two University of Central Florida Turtle Lab interns. The interns were doing a nest inventory to count how many turtles hatched when one spotted a shelled anomaly. “It is rare to find a two-headed turtle but not unheard of,” stated Kate Mansfield, an assistant professor at UCF, “we see a number of developmental anomalies each year.”

UCF Marine Turtle Research Group
Credit: UCF Marine Turtle Research Group FB

The two-headed reptile was released back into the wild, described as being “alive and energetic”. Although, Mansfield tweeted that it’s life expectancy was unclear, that “others [she’s] seen haven’t made it out of the nest or lasted long. It depends on what it looks like internally.”

UCF Marine Turtle Research Group
Credit: UCF Marine Turtle Research Group FB

There is hope for our little buddy, though. Sometimes, two heads are better than one.

More In: Turtles