Sam /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: Mixed BreedSam was one of five stray puppies found in Central LA. Sam and Momma were adopted by Kristin Davis. Davis says the dogs don’t know any tricks and “have her well trained”. Sam passed away sometime before Momma in 2021.
Momma /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: Mixed Breed | Adopted 2007Momma was adopted from the streets of Central LA with a litter of five puppies. Kristin had just made a donation to the rescue organization who were housing the pups and became a foster. She adopted Momma and Sam shortly after and the rest is history. Momma passed away in June 2021 at approximately 17 years old.
After a euphoric reunion in NYC , I came home because my very senior dog Momma was not well. She was at least 17 years old , we don’t really know because she was turned into the S.Central shelter with 5 new puppies 16 years ago. She was my survivor. The undisputed Queen of the house. She outlived her puppies and seemed to over come challenges with the ease of a much younger dog ( for those who have been following , remember her broken leg ?). But in the horrible truth of life , dogs leave us too soon. I am proud to say that her transition to the other side was peaceful , the first time I have been able to achieve this with any of my fur babies. Yet still I am so so sad. Momma took care of me in so many ways. And I will miss everything about her. I am bereft.
@iamkristindavis, Instagram, June 2021
I do have a vision of her with Sammy running free and happy and I ‘m trying to hold that in my mind and heart .
Thank you for 16 glorious years of joy and cuddling Momma. I ‘m not going to be able to do her big spirit justice here, but I wanted to honor her incredible life. I was lucky to have her for so long . Please Kiss someone you love today – furry or not- for Momma
Update- You are all truly overwhelming us with love !
Thank you , You all have helped me so much today
Elizabeth Taylor /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: Cavalier King Charles SpanielOn Sex and The City, Kristin Davis’ character Charlotte has a dog named Elizabeth Taylor that’s a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Elizabeth has since passed away, which became public knowledge after she didn’t appear in the Sex and The City reboot.
Richard Burton /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: English BulldogIn And Just Like That, Kristin Davis plays Charlotte who has a rescued English Bulldog named Richard Burton (who is also a rescue in real life). The name carries on the legacy of her former fictional pup, Elizabeth Taylor, as actor Richard Burton married and divorced Liz Taylor (twice). The canine actor’s real name has not been made public.

Childhood Pets /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Growing up, Kristin Davis had a dog named Sunshine and two cats named Frisky and Lilly.
Chewy /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: Mixed Breed | Adopted Nov 2024In November 2024, Kristin Davis revealed she adopted a shelter dog named Chewy and posted a video of Chewy’s adoption day.
Kristin Davis
Kristin Davis was born in Boulder, Colorado. She was raised by her mother and stepfather in South Carolina. Kristin waited tables and opened a Yoga studio in New York before getting her big break on Melrose Place (1992). Her role on the show only lasted a year; the audience hated her character Brooke Armstrong so much that they wrote her out.
Davis was cast as Charlotte York in Sex and the City (1998-2004) and was awarded an Emmy Award nomination in 2004 for her performance. Davis appeared as Charlotte in both Sex and the City (2008) and Sex and the City 2 (2010).
Kristin lives in Los Angeles, California with her adopted daughter Gemma Rose Davis.