After getting her daughter a grey kitty named Grey Kitty, Khloe Kardashian got her a baby kitty named Baby Kitty (who’s also grey). True (Khloe’s daughter’s name) has been a great cat mom, according to her mom, so she asked for another kitty for her sixth birthday (who she also promptly gave an extremely literal name). The breed of both kitties is Russian Blue.
Khloe has always had dogs growing up, and in her Instagram caption, she states, “Never in a million years did I think I would have one cat, let alone two. But here we are and I love them. I love how much my kids love them as well. But this is my maximum for cats. Two is enough.” In response to a comment saying, “I am team dog dog dog all year long but this is the cutest cat I’ve ever seen,” Khloe replied with, “I am so team dog but I love these crazy kitties. And I love how much True loves them.”

If you swipe through the Insta gallery above, the new kitten is getting along great with True and Grey Kitty. but judging by the screenshot of Khloe’s Instagram Story below, she’s still getting used to their crazy kid antics.

Also in Khloe’s Instagram post, you can see Baby Kitty is a born beauty influencer, with sister Kylie Jenner commenting, “Not my concealer brush !!!” Kris Jenner also commented “The sweetest sweetest.”
And in case you missed the catroversy back in February, Khloe was accused of “Facetuning” her cat and promoting unrealistic feline beauty standards.