Fuku the Chihuahua Cosplayer has the Cutest Felt Outfits (@pekosandesu)

Foku-chan is a cosplaying Chihuahua in Japan that’s cuteness levels are over 9,000, thanks to her human custom-crafting felt hats and costumes for her.

Foku cosplaying Chihuahua in Japan @pekosanddesu
Credit: @pekosanddesu/Instagram
Credit: @pekosanddesu/Instagram

A favorite is clearly her samurai outfit, with the stern eyebrows the icing on the cosplay cake.

While she loves to play the heroic warrior, she’s not against a princess glow-up.

Don’t you just want to take a little nibble of this cutie?

And you can bet she takes her Halloween costumes seriously.

Her human even sells tiny felt hats so other fur babies can join in on the fun!

Credit: @pekosanddesu/Instagram

For more felt-based fun, follow @pekosanddesu on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

And for another cosplayer from Japan, meet @puipui_the_bunny.

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