From placing first in her breed as a Trick Dog, to starring in commercials for big brands, to becoming PetSmart’s very first Chief Toy Tester – Whiskey Toller has accomplished a lot in just a few short years (with a lil’ help from her human and trainer, Amber Aquart). While this Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever may be young, she already has plenty of experience, stories, and jokes to share… And she made time to share it with us!

Celebrity Pets: Thanks for your time today Ms. Toller. To start us off, what was your puppyhood like?
Whiskey Toller: I came from an amazing breeder who spoiled me since the day I was born and a litter of 9 puppies! Even though I was the tiniest of my litter, I was the sportiest one. My human came to visit our litter several times and each time she visited, I made sure to let my breeder and mom know that she was the right human for me. It was a perfect match!
CP: What would your mom Amber say makes you “You”?
Whiskey: My mom says that I’m spunky, sweet, and super goofy. She might also say I’m a “know-it-all” and I’m too smart for my own good… I like to think of it more as I know what I want and how to get it!
CP: We know it’s pretty hard to pick, but is there a favorite memory where you made your mom especially proud or surprised?
Whiskey: It’s hard just to pick one! One of our coolest and proudest moments was when I was only 8 months old. At the last minute, we entered a competition for show dogs AND hunting dogs, but with ZERO preparation. We came out with 1st place in the 6-9 month category, 3rd place in all winners female dogs, and I successfully retrieved an ACTUAL DUCK from the water twice!
Whiskey the actor
CP: So Whiskey, you have quite the TV and film portfolio that we’d like to dig into. What was your first acting gig – and how did it go?
Whiskey: One of my very first acting jobs was actually one of my all-time favorites! I was only 10 months old when I starred in the famous L.L. BEAN Christmas commercial. I did LOADS of tricks like dragging the famous red flannel across the floor, pretending to sleep, and kissing my pretend human.
However, here’s an exclusive that no one knows… Before we started filming, the crew started preparing fake snow all over the yard outside. I noticed early on and so I made sure I got a chance to play in it. I snuck out of my dressing room, escaped outside, and ran around in circles in the fake snow getting all of the crew to chase and try to catch me! Yes, I am a PRO actor, but I was still just a puppy, hehe…
CP: Great you grew out of that phase, unlike many young human actors. If you had to pick a favorite commercial you starred in – what would it be and why?
Whiskey: I already mentioned my commercial for L.L. Bean, it was definitely one of the most memorable, but the commercial I did for Jameson Whiskey was too perfect – because I’m Whiskey of course! And I got to play the part of a “naughty dog” (which came easily)
CP: Have any memorable behind-the-scenes moments to mention?
Whiskey: When filming for L.L. Bean, they let me be as silly as I wanted to shoot some BTS content. I got to show off lots of tricks and just be my silly self, and it turns out they used some clips for cute content to share online!
CP: What is the most challenging role or trick you’ve had to perform on set?
Whiskey: One of my roles was as a “street dog” in a TV show called Harlem and I had to pretend to pee (like a boy dog!) on a laptop in the middle of a beach and then ran away as a car came behind me. It was QUITE the scene, but unfortunately, it never got aired!
CP: Have you ever been starstruck on set?
Whiskey: I’m pretty sure everyone is starstruck when they meet me… hehe just kidding… or am I?
CP: Do you have a favorite type of scene to shoot, like action scenes or more dramatic or family-style shots?
Whiskey: Anything that involves me getting to do fancy tricks or PLAY! My least favorite scenes are when I have to lay there and wait for my cue. I love getting to be a part of the action. If I get to retrieve things, eat treats, or play – that is my kinda scene! Mom loves the scenes where we have something unique to work on, like having to chain multiple behaviors together or make a really hard trick look easy!
Whiskey the influencer
CP: Now with close to a million followers, you’re also a successful social media influencer and content creator. How did that journey start?
Whiskey: Ehem.. You mean over 1 million now! Hehe.. just teasing! I’m actually SUPER proud that we have over 1 million followers across all of our platforms! Can you believe it? I still can’t fathom that number! My mom has always posted my brothers and her journey as a dog trainer on social media, but when I was born, I changed up the game with my antics. Mom likes to say that I’m the “popular” one in the family. hehe…
It’s so crazy that over 1 million people in the world want to follow ME (and my family… I guess). It still blows my mind, but I guess I am pretty great.
Whiskey Toller, on crossing the million followers mark
CP: How have your acting and trick skills helped with creating social media content?
Whiskey: I think one of the main reasons we can make such unique and entertaining content is because we do ALL of our OWN STUNTS! People love seeing a dog and cat do silly things and it makes things even cooler when it’s actually real, such as me helping with my baby brother’s diapers!
CP: What’s your favorite skit (or two) you’ve made for Instagram?
Whiskey: This skit holds a special place because it includes everyone in our family! (except for dog dad but that ok, haha)
And this short one always makes me laugh.
Whiskey: Creating our very first Whiskey Toller Plushie was such a fun experience! Getting to forever give snuggles to everyone who took home a plushie was the best feeling ever! (… And we may just be making another one very very soon)
I also had the honor of being the very first Chief Toy Tester for PetSmart! I have loved working with them and it’s always so fun hearing from everyone who spots Whiskey on PetSmart promos!
And lastly, being selected as a Caps Canine for the Washington Capitals Hockey team was so much fun! We loved being an honored guest.
Whiskey the performer and competitor
CP: On top of your on-screen work, you’re also an accomplished live performer and competitor. What types of trick and sports competitions do you participate in?
Whiskey: You name it I’ve done it! I’ve competed in Agility, Obedience, Rally, Dock Diving, Frisbee, FastCAT, Coursing Ability tests, Barn hunt, Hunting/Retrieving, Conformation, Scentwork, Tricks… The list goes on! If there is something I haven’t tried, I’m down to try it all!
CP: You’ve won various awards for your tricks and skills – Mind bragging a lil’ bit?
Whiskey: Me brag? Absolutely 😉 I have been learning since I was 8 weeks old. I won the award for the #1 Trick dog of my breed last year, and hit the record for the fastest dog of my breed 2 years ago!
@whiskeytoller Please tell her how proud she should be! Way to go Whiskey girl, the #1 trick dog of her breed! #novascotiaducktollingretriever #ducktoller #trickdog #championdog #dogtrick #americankennelclub #akc ♬ original sound – Whiskey, Amber Aquart, & Co.
At only 9 months old, I achieved my Champion Trick Dog title in both DMWYD and AKC Trick Dog Champion (their highest trick dog award).
I have over 20 different titles in all sports and the best part about it is that I get to play and train with my mom for all of it!
Whiskey Toller, when asked to brag a lil’ bit
CP: Can you describe a memorable moment or achievement from your sports career that stands out to you?
Whiskey: Our very first AKC Agility competition, we were entered into the “Jumpers with Weaves” course, we were both nervous but ready to just focus on the fun. We ended up finishing the course in 28 seconds and earned 1st place! It was the best feeling ever.
CP: How do you prepare for a prestigious competition like the AKC National Championship?
Whiskey: We do lots and lots and LOTS of training! Mom likes to practice by hiding the treats since you can’t get treats in the competition ring. I would rather get treats every time, but she has taught me that we will get the treat outside of the ring even if she doesn’t have any! (Mom and I like to try and focus on the fun we’re having together and not how high-stakes the event might be)
CP: And how do you stay focused and handle the pressure of performing in front of an audience?
Whiskey: You want the honest answer? TREATS! (Haha just kidding) Mom has helped me prepare from a very young age to stay focused on the task, no matter the size of the audience. One of her secrets has always been to play with me whenever something potentially scary or distracting is going on. This helps me stay focused on what we’re doing together.
The biggest advice we have for anyone is to embrace the chaos, laugh at the goof ups, at least that’s what I make sure mom remembers whenever I decide to improvise hahaha.
Whiskey Toller, on the pressure of performing live
CP: Have you ever faced any setbacks, challenges, or injuries in your sporting career, and how did you overcome them?
Whiskey: When I was at the National Championships for Dock Diving when I was only 1 year old. I got overwhelmed by the new dock I had never jumped off of before. It was wobbly and the building was loud, I got unsure about it and didn’t jump on my first jump. Mom never got mad though, she helped me overcome the fear by telling me that it was just a game and there was no pressure to “Be the best”. I ended up jumping in on my second jump and it was a big moment to overcome, especially at such a high-stakes competition!
CP: Do you have a favorite trick or two you like to perform?
Whiskey: One of my favorites is to “rebound” off of things! (I accidentally did it off my mom’s face the other day… Oops)
CP: What do you enjoy about meeting fans at events? Any special moments to share?
Whiskey: It is one of my FAVORITE things ever! Getting to meet our fans in person, give them a kiss, and take a photo is by far something that always makes our day! (We love to surprise fans with special surprises too)
Whiskey’s crew
CP: Your crew includes two other pups with Tucker and Oakley, as well as two kitties with Finnigan and River. Please tell us about River, the foster fail and “wild card.”
Whiskey: Ever since I was a puppy, River and I have had a love/hate relationship. He LOVES to play and wrestle with everyone, and he tries to groom me obsessively too. His love can be a little bit too much in my opinion. He’s always causing trouble in the house. No one ever knows what River is going to do next!
CP: Finnigan seems like quite the character, on top of his trick skills. Can you elaborate?
Whiskey: Finn is confusing for me, he will give me a headbutt, then hiss at me if I try and return the favor! He seems to think he runs the house, and honestly I think we all know that no one will ever cross River!
CP: Tucker was your crew’s OG. What was he like? And did he act as a mentor of yours?
Whiskey: Tucker was the best teacher of all. Unfortunately, he went to doggie heaven back in February of this year. I learned some of my best tricks from him, and he made sure to keep me in line when I was a wild puppy testing all of the limits! He was my mom’s first dog – and the first trick dog. He really taught me how to be brave even when things around you might be scary. We miss him every single day, I just hope I can make him proud!
CP: Like yourself, Oakley is both an actor and service dog. What is a notable acting role of his?
Whiskey: Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but Oakley has gotten more acting jobs then me! He is an acting pro and the screen totally loves him! Almost as much as they love me, hehe! One of his craziest roles was for a short film where he starred as a brilliant dog that could talk through a toy.
He has also appeared as the “Coach” for the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet
CP: And can you share what you and Oakley’s experience as service dogs is like?
Whiskey: I learned so much from Oakley as mom’s service dog. He’s really made for the job and shows me how to stay calm and focused on mom. He has saved mom loads of times and I really hope to be as good of a service dog as him one day!
CP: With such talented siblings, do you ever get competitive with each other? Maybe some friendly challenges or just training together?
Whiskey: ALL OF THE TIME. However… it’s hard to beat me!
CP: You also have a new tiny human roommate. What’s your relationship like with them?
Whiskey: Little baby Riley is the best little brother ever. I LOVE that he loves to give me tastes of all of his food! From the moment he came home, I have been helping out. I love that I get to help take care of him, and he sneaks me treats.
Fun with Whiskey
CP: So you’ve recently dipped your paw in the art world. How has that been?
Whiskey: We actually have a lot of paintings that will be available for humans to take home very soon! This video pretty much sums up what it’s like being a painting doggo.
CP: When you’re not performing or creating content, how do you like to take it easy?
Whiskey: We love playing frisbee in the backyard together as a family! Mom always laughs at all of my funny sleeping positions.
… Or sometimes I just like to kick back and crack open a cold one.
CP: When your life story is turned into a feature film, what celebrity would play you and Amber?
Whiskey: Oh boy that would be so fun! Since I am an animal actor, it would be only fitting that I play myself! My mom would be played by Blake Lively (Since I’m dying to meet her!)
How to get what you want – when you want – out of your human (hehe)
Whiskey Toller, on what their Ted Talk topic would be
CP: If you were stuck on a deserted island, what are the 5 essential items you’d take?
Whiskey: FOOD, TREATS, more food, more treats, a frisbee, & my mom duh!! Specifically, Stella & Chewy’s freeze dried raw food. I’ve been eating it since I was a puppy!
CP: Is there a charity or non-profit organization you’d like to give a shout out to?
Whiskey: We’d love to shout out an organization run by a friend of ours, Magic City K9. They rescue dogs from shelters and have prison inmates train them in obedience skills and tricks. This helps the dogs become more adoptable, and gives the inmates something special to do for their community.
I’d tell younger Whiskey to soak in all the fun being a puppy comes with. There’s nothing quite as great as being a puppy! Maybe I’d tell her to try swimming sooner and not be worried, cause swimming is the greatest thing ever!
Whiskey Toller, on advice they’d give their younger self
CP: Are there any pet influencers you’re a fan of or friends with that you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Whiskey: Gosh SO many!! There are too many pet influencer friends I’d want to mention, but some include these cute selfies with selfie queen @aussiesedona, @magnusthetherapydog, @embracingecho, @serviceaussiebailey, @winstontheminiaturedood, @elliegoldenlife, @dixie_the_praying_dog, @stiltontheaussie, @imbluethesiberian, @drakethepupstar, and @maggieandrossi.
Also have to mention my BF Whidbey and Darby from The Joy Crew!
CP: Have any exciting plans or projects coming up?
Whiskey: We may have some really exciting things for our fans and friends to take home very soon. So stay tuned!!