There are so many funny pet content creators out there to follow these days. But one that truly stands out to us is @booplethesnoot, where Russell the Mutt and Shelby Susnick combine their winning smiles and on-point comedic timing with relatable topics and non-stop laughs.

So the team at Celebrity Pets is pumped that this hilarious duo has made the time (between making us lol on a daily basis) to dive into an interview! First, we’ll chat with Shebly to learn about Russell, the Parvovirus, and being a pet content creator. Then, we’ll sit down with Russell for his side of the story.
CP: First, we want to say we admire how open you are with the story of getting Russell. Can you please start our readers off with that?
Shelby: We got Russell off of Craigslist. We share our story to be transparent and to share the dangers of getting a pet online. It’s also hilarious that we thought we were bringing home an Australian Shepherd, but after a DNA test, he didn’t have an ounce of that breed in him!
CP: Can you summarize the parvovirus, and do you have any tips for people who are looking to get a dog?
Shelby: Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that affects their ability to eat and drink. Parvo dogs are typically very lethargic. Vaccines can prevent the virus, but puppies can’t get all their vaccines until a certain age. We always warn new dog owners about socializing their dogs before they’ve had all their vaccinations. In addition, if you get a new pet, take them to the vet immediately for a checkup, shots, and testing.
CP: Can you share the experience of raising a pup with parvovirus? Have any tips for other pet parents who are going through the same?
Shelby: Having a dog that contracts parvo is extremely heartbreaking and can make you feel defeated. We say Russell was healed by music, love, and medicine. Dogs can feel your love, and music truly heals.
CP: What makes your pet special to you? Do they have any funny quirks?
Shelby: I love everything about Russell so it’s hard to choose one thing. From him jumping on me when I come home or when he burps at the funniest timing, he’s just a special boy.
CP: Besides your transparency on your life with Rusell, I also appreciate your openness on being a content creator and letting people peek ‘behind the curtain’ on your industry. What inspired you to share that part of your life?
Shelby: I’ve always had a passion for social media. Before Russell, I had a book/travel Instagram. Both pages were started out of my love for sharing my life online, and I had no idea it could be something lucrative. Now that content creation is my full-time job and helped me launch my own business, I want to help others do the same.
CP: That said, it’s cool that you’ve leveled up to offering consulting and a course on becoming a successful pet content creator. Can you share more on that for any aspirational pet parents reading this?
Shelby: You truly don’t need a special breed or a dog that can recite the ABCs backwards to go viral. People like to connect with people. Put yourself and your real life out there, and you will attract your tribe.
CP: How long have you been making them? And how long were you thinking about it before taking the plunge?
Shelby: I started @booplethesnoot in February 2020 and went full-time in November 2022.
CP: Can you share any milestones or lessons you’ve learned as you’ve grown as a content creator?
Shelby: Hitting 100k on Instagram was a huge milestone for us. Followers may seem like a vanity metric but to know we have connected with that many people and maybe brighten their day is amazing to know.
Don’t let the mean comments get to you. If you look at whoever posts a mean comment, they usually haven’t made or posted a single video and don’t know what it’s like to put yourself out there.
Shelby Susnick, commenting on the haters.
CP: As you’re a favorite pet parent comedian of ours, do you have any advice for other pet content creators to get real laughs? Or on how they might find their own comedic voice?
Shelby: Write down or make mental notes of all the weird stuff you do. As an example, I frequently put on full-on concerts for my dog starring… myself. I recorded myself singing (poorly) for my dog, and it was insane how many people commented, “omg I do this too!”
Everyone says it, but being yourself really is the best.
CP: So now on to the star of the show. So Russell, besides standup comedy, do you have a special talent or do any tricks?
Russell: I can sit, stay, and lay down. I also have the ability to withstand listening to the regularly scheduled concerts my hooman performs.
CP: What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve done? (We promise not to tell your pawrents)
Russell: Ripped up 3 books because I was bored (The sound of paper ripping is my fav ASMR)
CP: When your life story is turned into a feature film, what celebrity would play you and your human? Who would co-star?
Russell: There isn’t much Mutt representation in movies… So I’d probably have to play myself! And Shelby would be played by Emma Stone because she’s hilarious and can actually sing.
The Art of Pacing Before You Poo.
Russell the Mutt, on what his TED Talk would be about.
CP: If you were stuck on a deserted island, what are some essential items you’d take and why?
Russell: Wellness Pet Food puppy bites and my stuffed duckie I got from Whole Dog Market in Atlanta.
CP: If you just won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy or do?
Russell: Buy myself a house with a big backyard for my hooman to play in.
CP: Imagine you finally landed that network TV deal, and you’re now the host of The Boople the Snoot Show – Who would be your top three celebrity guests and why?
Russell: Chris Evans because he’s the official dog zaddy. Lady Gaga because mom is always singing her music. Steve Carell as Michael Scott because I’m always binge-watching The Office.
CP: If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Russell: Get more videos taken when you’re a lil’ pup – It goes by too quickly!
CP: Is there a charity or non-profit organization you’d like to give a shout-out to?
Russell: Atlanta Humane Society for all the amazing work they do for pets in Atlanta! And Atlanta Habitat for Humanity (my hooman’s previous employer) for all the amazing work they do for humans!
CP: Are there any pet influencers or creators you’re a fan of that you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Russell: So many, but in particular, we love @makoandkonasmom and @packofpotatoes_.
CP: Have any fun plans coming up?
Russell: We have an exciting feature coming up with The Dodo, showing off the amazing city of Atlanta. We’re also looking to host a Mutt of the Year competition – Many kind businesses have already reached out to contribute to a prize pack, and we hope to share more details soon!
Thanks for both your time with us, and thanks for all the laughs! Make sure to follow @BoopleTheSnoot on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.