Graveskull @graveskullthepersian, her name aptly inspired by Castle Grayskull in the He-Man series, is a persian cat with bright, orange orb-like eyes. She’s a sassy little puss with a badass name and a deeply entrenched love for yoga and home-made toys (like bits of string and newspaper). Graveskull lives in New York with her mom and dad, and two siblings, Señor Taco and Kitkat.

While Graveskull, like most persians, might have an RBF (Resting Bitch Face) she’s actually quite sweet. She enjoys playing games of surprise Hide n’ Seek with her Boston Terrier brother, Señor Taco, jumping out at him unexpectedly to scare him.

Gravsekull also has a fellow feline sibling, Kitkat. Kitkat’s doppelganger is Venus, the Chimera Cat. Kitkat is considerably more camera-shy than Graveskull, and she also doesn’t share the same affinity for dressing up. How blasé.

Graveskull, an entrepreneur, offers massages services at her at-home Spa, Healing Paws. Of course, Señor Taco helps out by serving “tea and slobbery kisses”. Acupawture is also provided with each treatment.

When she’s not harassing Señor Taco or doing Yoga, she spends time lounging in her cardboard castle (literally, it’s a castle) and drinking cat wine.

This fluffy kitty does the occasional sponsored post for the products that she loves. She had a tank-top made by Society6 once in her likeness, however the limited edition shirts were hard to get your paws on. But, good news, if you can’t get enough of Grayskull you can now add her on Snapchat (@graveskullmeow) and keep up with her kittycat antics!