It’s now possible to experience Paris Hilton’s life virtually, via Roblox. Dubbed Paris World, this virtual island lets you visit digital versions of her Beverly Hills estate and even her doggy mansion and zoo. You can stroll a boardwalk inspired by her neon carnival wedding she recently celebrated with her new husband Carter Reum., which took place on the real-world Santa Monica Pier in California.

“For me, the metaverse is somewhere that you can do everything you can do in real life in the digital world,” said Hilton, “Not everybody gets to experience that, so that’s what we’ve been working together on over the past year — giving them all my inspirations of what I want in that world.”
You can explore Paris World via a luxury sports car or Sunray yacht. And she regularly Djs on her virtual island, including a New Years Eve party. You can also buy virtual clothing from her or book a ride on a jet-ski. Note small fees are collected for these meta products and services to help feed her huge entourage of dogs and other pets. Maybe we’ll see NFT versions of her pets up for sale in the near future….
Related: Check out Paris Hilton’s $325,000 dog villa.