After much hype from fans, the two biggest (figuratively) dogs (literally) in Formula 1 have finally met, with Lewis Hamilton’s Roscoe and Charles Leclerc’s Leo!

In Lewis Hamilton’s corner is Roscoe, a mighty English Bulldog and 12-year veteran in Formula 1. In Charles Leclerc’s corner is Leo, a tiny rookie Dachshund who’s already making big waves in F1 despite only appearing on the scene in April.
The meet-and-greet went swimmingly as you can tell. Leo showed off his boundless puppy energy. But despite his age, Roscoe could still hold his own. The proud dog dads shared an Instagram post with highlights of the meetup.
Roscoe also posted a few shots to his personal Instagram. (Name a more iconic duo, we’ll wait)
If you didn’t know, Roscoe is vegan like his dad, which Hamilton credits to why Roscoe is so healthy for a senior English Bulldog.