Anne and Ginger Biscuit have been through a lot together. The two of them were both brought to Greenside Animal Hospital as strays, and they were both very sick. Anne was covered in fleas and ticks, and she was very weak. Ginger was only 8 to 10 weeks old and very confused, so he was a bit wary of everyone walking by and caring for him.

Thankfully, Anne and Ginger got the isolation ward all to themselves – except for each other. As it turns out, though, Ginger had other plans. One day, staff walked into the isolation ward and stopped dead in their tracks. Ginger wasn’t in his crate. Instead, he was cuddled up with Anne in hers.

The staff’s fears were immediately put at ease when they saw how gentle Anne was with Ginger and how much they seemed to love each other. The pair seemed to calm each other down, and although the staff tried to separate them again, it didn’t work. Anne and Ginger had decided they belonged together, and that was that.
Now, Anne and Ginger are sharing a crate full time. They couldn’t be happier about it. Anne was so weak when she first arrived at the hospital, but having Ginger by her side seems to be helping her recovery and giving her strength. He gives her something to focus on and care for, and she gives him a sense of calm and safety that he had been missing before.
The two of them may be very different, but it doesn’t matter. Their friendship is strong, and everyone agrees that it’s the sweetest thing ever.