Five Dogs /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Pamela Anderson currently has five rescue dogs that she adopted from all over the world, as mentioned in a January 2023 article by Variety. She’s adopted several Golden Retrievers over the years and currently has one named Zeus, seen here poolside via @pamelaanderson on Twitter. When she travels, her parents take care of them at her home on Vancouver Island in Canada. The rest of her pets listed in this profile have since passed away.
Pamela has been a lifelong advocate for pet adoption and animal rights, and a PETA ambassador. She’s adopted many pets during her life, helped friends adopt, and supported shelters. She raised her sons around rescued animals to help them respect animals and be responsible. One nice example is she rescued 50 cats and 30 dogs following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, paying all expenses to relocate them.
Star /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: Golden RetrieverPamela Anderson had a Golden Retriever named Star that was a rescue that became her service dog. Star’s full name is Superstar-Bar. Anderson had Star when she first moved to Los Angeles. Star loved going to the beach and would join her on the Baywatch set (where she was known for stealing bagels from craft services). The lucky pooch even appeared in some episodes of Baywatch. Star lived until she was 17 years old.

Foo /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: PugPamela Anderson had a rescued one-eyed pug named Foo.

Luca Pizzaroni Pasquini /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: Chihuahuain the early 2000s, Pamela Anderson had a rescued Chihuahua named Luca Pizzaroni Pasquini. He was named after a famous photographer and a favourite coffee machine that Anderson loved.

Elvis and Cash /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Pamela Anderson has two cats back in the 1990s named Elvis and Cash.
Dash /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: Irish SetterIn 2022, Pamela Anderson was in New York for several weeks while performing in the Broadway show Chicago. She really missed her dogs back home so she asked her assistant to find her a dog that needed a walker, free of charge. Her assistant met someone in a CrossFit class that needed a walker for their very energetic Red and White Irish Setter named Dash. Anderson was then introduced to the owner, who took a minute to realize that his new dog walker was an iconic celebrity. Anderson and Dash got along great, with Dash enjoying 15 minutes of fame as the news spread.

King /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: Golden RetrieverAfter the passing of Star, Anderson adopted another Golden Retriever named King.

Justice /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: RottweilerPamela Anderson and Tommy Lee had a rottweiler named Justice when they were married in the late 1990s. Justice made headlines when Anderson and Lee were sued for Justice biting the butt of a masseuse that visited their house.
Old English Sheepdog /* ?=esc_html( (!empty($pet_type)?" (" . $pet_type . ")":"") );? */ ?>
Breed: English SheepdogPamela Anderson and Tommy Lee had an Old English Sheepdog. When disgruntled contractor Rand Gauthier stole a safe from their home which contained their now-infamous sex tape, he covered himself with a rug to disguise himself as their Sheepdog to go noticed on their security cameras. The screenshot here is from the HULU series Pam & Tommy (2023).
Pamela Anderson
Pamela Denise Anderson is a Canadian actress and model. Her professional modelling career started in 1989 after being featured on the jumbotron at a Vancouver football game. She was wearing a Labatt’s Beer t-Shirt, leading to the brewery hiring her as a spokesmodel. Later that year she appeared as a cover girl for Playboy magazine, which has led to her appearing in Playboy magazines for over 20 years.
Her acting career started in 1992, when she won a supporting role on the TV sitcom Home Improvement with Tim Allen. Her big break came when she was cast to star in David Hasselhoff’s Baywatch from 1992 to 1997. in 2017 she appeared in the new film adaption of Baywatch, starring Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron and Priyanka Chopra. Anderson is well known as an animal rights activist and works with PETA regularly. She is also known for her previous marriages to Tommy Lee and Kid Rock.
In 2023, Anderson published a memoir titled Love, Pamela and also starred in the Netflix documentary Pamela, a Love Story. She was also portrayed by Lily James, with Sebastian Stan playing her ex-husband Tommy Lee, in the HULU miniseries Pam & Tommy, which also stars Seth Rogen and Nick Offerman.