Leaf, a mini-horse living in Japan, was found on top of a residential roof following record-breaking floods.
Rescuers searched for Leaf for three full days before finding the mini-horse perched on a rooftop.
Japan’s floods have reached devastating heights, the death count’s now well over 200. But, one mini-horse was spared. Rescue workers were making their way to a school serving as a temporary evacuation centre when they came across the tiny mud-caked horse, stranded on a roof.

While they were making arrangements to get the tiny pony down, Leaf lost her footing and fell two metres to the ground. She survived with minor injuries to one leg.
Leaf is a 9-year-old therapy horse at the Life Town Mabi aged care facility in the Mabicho district of Kakehashi. She disappeared on July 6th with her colt Earth during the floods on Friday. Earth is still missing, but the search continues. Finding leaf instilled new hope in the residents of Kakehashi. They’re now sharing the photo of Earth below in an attempt to find the lost colt.

For more mini-horses check out Lil Ben!