If you haven’t creeped Evan Antin on Instagram yet, do yourself a favor and click here.
The vet is a favorite at People magazine who took on the arduous task of compiling this video. You can watch the 90-second hypnotizing clip of the charming veterinarian talking to animals below.
Dr. Antin isn’t afraid to show his nerdy side, either. He curates adorably dorky educational videos like the one below.
He works with exotic animals and housepets alike, showing love to all creatures under the sun.

His Instagram feed is pure fire and not only due to the drool-worthy shots of the good doctor holding an outrageous amount of puppies. He preaches eco-friendly practices and animal rescue. With over a million followers, it’s a prime example of using your social media influence for the greater good.

What we wouldn’t give to be Henry, for just one minute.
For more outstanding vets, check out Vet Ranch’s Dr. Matt Carriker!