Only known by his Instagram handle @hotdog66liu, an anonymous but incredibly talented carpenter in China creates unbelievable, fully-functioning miniature homes and sets for his cats Bu Cuo and TuTu, and several other pets. And on top of that, he manages to take tiny video tours of them.

He hasn’t confirmed if he actually shrinks to film them, but he does put the effort in to include realistic sound effects such as the sound of his flip-flops as he walks. In this viral video, he goes room to room to collect his pets’ laundry. He starts with his cat’s bed sheets, before shrinking down even more, to visit his pet hamster, then shrinking even more to visit his pet spider…
Now here’s the apparently full-sized human entering through a tiny working elevator to visit his pets’ apartment, to show off several tiny Roombas.
He threw a surprise birthday party for his Shiba.
And his cats’ didn’t seem to mind hosting the party.
Then deciding the kitty condo wasn’t enough, he built a complete underground parking garage that took two months. The incredibly realistic details are complete with working SUVs for his cats and hamster, working air ducts with an air filter, and the elevator going up to their apartment The video also includes behind-the-scenes clips of his process.
The kitty-loving carpenter also built an outdoor villa for the stray cats in his area.
A commenter gave a rough translation of the video below, “there’s quite a bit of stray cats in the area so he’s creating a haven for them. Because their personalities and behaviour are all different, he’s making different little types of activities for them”
One video that I couldn’t find on his Instagram is of one of his cat’s day job at a tiny supermarket below (which turns into a tour of a Ninja Turtle-inspired sewer hangout. For more cat-centric construction, follow @hotdog66liu on Instagram.