The Adorable Home Life of Chihuahuas Ao & Mono

Ao & Mono are two Teacup Chihuahuas in Japan who take basic household activities and turn the cuteness all the way up thanks to their creative humans! Ao is the blue and tan pup, and Mono is the black and white pup.

Sure we’ve all gone grocery shopping… BUT LOOK HOW CUTE IT IS WHEN AO & MONO DOES IT!!!

Here’s Mono whipping some tasty curry for him and Ao.

Here’s Ao ordering a baseball hat of his fav Japanese baseball player Shugo Maki. And amazingly, Mono happens to be the delivery guy!

Even if they’re staying indoors, it’s no excuse to not exercise.

And why go out when you can make Starbucks at home?

Name a better duo that can make house chores look this cute!

And they’re both furry fashionistas.

They also enjoy a bit of cosplaying fun.

And while they’re always having a blast indoors, they also go adventuring outside.

If you’re wondering how Ao & Mono have such cute props and toys, it’s because their mom is a designer for Sanrio, the company behind Hello Kitty and many of the most iconic Japanese characters. (Plus their dad is a filmmaker)

They’ve also recently released a cute book and made a cookie collection based on their adventures!

You can follow @ao.mono on Instagram and TikTok. For another cute chihuahua, meet Mr. Pink the tiny rescue pup going on big outdoor adventures.

More In: Dogs