Sloths, also known as the kingpins of the underworld. Or, at least this one is. Sort of.
A sneaky sloth broke into the Café Milagro in Costa Rica during a midnight-snack run. While the café has daily visits from toucans and monkeys, a sloth is out of character. The sloth slowly climbs up the counter and plays with a spinning snack rack, before losing his footing and doing a faceplant onto the floor. His clumsy antics alerted the security guard on duty who put a stop to the sloth’s crime spree.
‘While we have sloths that can be regularly seen in nearby trees, this was the first invasion of our actual restaurant. ‘We have a resident sloth named Terrance who can regularly be found behind our restaurant, but this one was a new visitor.’ – Owners Travis Day and Adrienne Pellazari
For more sloth news, check out this baby sloth rescue!