Pink Took a Foster Puppy on Tour to Promote Adoption, Ends up Adopting the Pup Herself

Pop star Pink has just become a proud foster fail with the adoption of Graham Cracker, a Labrador mix puppy. Pink has a long passionate history of animal advocacy and adopting, so this foster fail isn’t the biggest surprise (but still a lovely surprise) Graham was miraculously saved along with his siblings and mom who were abandoned in the woods. Graham and his family’s rescue story was so heartwarming (will get to it soon) that Pink got in touch with the rescue center to foster Graham.

And from barely surviving in the woods, Graham embarked with Pink on the last month of her ultra-popular Summer Carnival tour. Pink loves to advocate for pet adoption while on tour and decided Graham would make a great ambassador. In the video below she announces her plan and encourages her fans to also foster if they can.

Now back to Graham’s story that inspired Pink. A young girl in Arkansas named Autumn was walking in the woods, where she discovered a mama dog and her puppies hiding and hungry. Then with the help of Jack’s Second Chance Rescue Ranch, the mom and her pups were delivered to The Bond Between rescue center. Make sure to swipe through the Instagram gallery below.

And the second slide in the gallery below includes Pink meeting Graham for the first time.

The Bond Between also shared the photos of Graham slaying that first caught Pink’s eye. And helped the pup catch almost 30k followers on Instagram (@grahamcrackerscarnival)

Then several days after her tour ended, Pink chose to share her foster fail news on Give to the Max Day, as another way of encouraging people to donate to charities if they’re able. And if you browse the comments, it seems the majority were expecting her to adopt Graham from the get-go. And over the month since Pink fostered Graham, his rescue The Bond Between has raised over $900,000!

So this brings Pink’s (current) rescue dog pack to three! For more musicians supporting mutts, did you know the Red Hot Chili Peppers bring adoptable dogs backstage at their concerts?

The Red Hot Chili Peppers Bring Adoptable Dogs Backstage at Their Concerts
Credit: @theredhotchilipeppers/Instagram
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