with her pets featured regularly on her Instagram, Kate Beckinsale is a proud animal lover. Along with her daughter Lily Sheen, she recently took that love to the next level at Nurtured by Nature in California. This wildlife center provides once-in-a-lifetime experiences for guests with proceeds going to support wildlife conservation charities. They also support visits from kids through the Make-A-Wish Foundation and Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Since 2008, they’ve provided over $1.5 million in in-kind charitable programs and donated over $180,000 to a range of conservation efforts.

Note these are very small tour groups to avoid stress on the animal residents. And with tickets starting at $650 a person, each visitor must care quite a bit as well. Visitors get to interact with a range of unique animals. Beckinsale and Lily chilled with capybara, stroked a sloth, laughed with a lemur, abrased an armadillo, and more.
The highlight for Beckinsale was clearly her swim with the otters. She hit it off with an otter named Hank, who gifted her a blue marble (by hiding it in her bra)

You can follow @nurturedbynatureotters on Facebook and Instagram. And we covered Beckinsale early this month when she claimed her cat overcame depression thanks to dying his fur pink.