Kate Beckinsale Swims with Otters and Chills with Capybaras to Support Conservation

with her pets featured regularly on her Instagram, Kate Beckinsale is a proud animal lover. Along with her daughter Lily Sheen, she recently took that love to the next level at Nurtured by Nature in California. This wildlife center provides once-in-a-lifetime experiences for guests with proceeds going to support wildlife conservation charities. They also support visits from kids through the Make-A-Wish Foundation and Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Since 2008, they’ve provided over $1.5 million in in-kind charitable programs and donated over $180,000 to a range of conservation efforts.

Kate Bekinsale Swims with Otters and Chills with Capybaras to Support Conservation
Credit: @katebeckinsale/Instagram

Note these are very small tour groups to avoid stress on the animal residents. And with tickets starting at $650 a person, each visitor must care quite a bit as well. Visitors get to interact with a range of unique animals. Beckinsale and Lily chilled with capybara, stroked a sloth, laughed with a lemur, abrased an armadillo, and more.

The highlight for Beckinsale was clearly her swim with the otters. She hit it off with an otter named Hank, who gifted her a blue marble (by hiding it in her bra)

Kate Beckinsale swimming with nurtured by nature otters
Kate Beckinsale marble gift from otter

You can follow @nurturedbynatureotters on Facebook and Instagram. And we covered Beckinsale early this month when she claimed her cat overcame depression thanks to dying his fur pink.

Kate Beckinsales Cat Overcame Depression Thanks to Dying His Fur Pink
Credit: @katebeckinsale/Instagram
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