We can all agree French bulldogs are pretty much peak cute already. But how about Frenchies playing soccer? But also playing to support a charity? And the charity is for disabled dogs? Yep it’s next-next-next level cuteness. This promo video was made by two pro soccer teams in Prague that teamed up with a dog shelter that specializes in French bulldogs with disabilities. And many of these tiny athletes in this video have disabilities themselves, but it doesn’t hold them back! While adorable, the video also proves that a big heart and great attitude can overcome their health issues.

The popularity of French bulldogs has been growing quickly in recent years, making them one of the top breeds today. They’re also hugely popular with celebs like Lady Gaga, who has a frenchie that models for fashion brands. But like with many purebred dogs, they can have health problems and be prone to diseases. Because of these problems, many frenchie’s are given up by owners who don’t care or aren’t able to look after them.
This event shows that while they’ve had to struggle with health problems and don’t have a home, they are still full of love and will make perfect pets in spite of their challenges. Let’s hope this video gets all these little guys forever homes! Also, don’t forget to consider adoption and support your local dog rescue 🙂
Related post: Top 10 Most Popular French Bulldogs on Instagram