Maisy is a St Bernard with a penchant for eating things she shouldn’t.
Like any worried mother, Jane Dickinson rushed Maisy to the vet when she realized something was wrong with her 8-year-old fur baby.

Following a CT scan by vet Nick Blackburn of Paragon Veterinary Referrals, Maisy was diagnosed with cancer. They found a dangerously full stomach and mass on her spleen, prompting an emergency surgery.

As it turns out, Maisy didn’t have cancer. Instead, the vets discovered that she has an unusual affinity for swallowing teddy bears whole. They found four whole teddy bears inside of Maisy’s stomach.

“We all know certain dogs enjoy chewing things they shouldn’t but managing to devour four full teddy bears is quite a feat,” said veterinarian Blackburn.
Apparently, Maisy was stealing the teddy’s from her Chihuahua siblings and swallowing them whole. She’s made a full recovery from the operation, and is officially cancer (and teddy bear) free!
For more adorable doggo tales, check out this excited pupper racing to the Doggy School Bus!