On this episode of The Dodo’s charming Dodo Dream Date series, Amanda Seyfried took a senior snaggle-toothed pittie on a NYC date. If you haven’t heard of this series, it features a celebrity helping a rescue dog that has had no luck finding their forever home, while also advocating for adoption in general. (Spoiler Alert: this cutie has already been adopted!)

The date started with Seyfried inviting Ethel, the 10-year-old pitbull who has been single and searching for 6 months, to her home in NYC. Ethel scoped out her pad and enjoyed her kids’ playhouse, which is actually from Seyfried’s sustainable dollhouse brand, Make It Cute. Seyfried then thought painting would be a nice creative way to bond. Then they went for a walk to enjoy the sun and flowers, before returning for snacks and tea. Watch the full adorable date below!
And don’t miss the Dodo Dream Dates with Scarlett Johanson and Kaley Cuoco!