After featuring our favorite dog influencer costumes on Instagram last year, we’ve decided to round up a list of favorite Halloween-themed doggy Instagram posts for 2024. Curious about how our judge picks winners for each category with so many creative canines out there? Well to narrow it down, our esteemed judge (me) picks posts he likes from accounts that @celebritypetsnet follows on Instagram – Then he makes up a category to match it! (And please give us a follow so we can follow you back and look to include you in our next top 10 list)

Best Dog-Friendly Halloween Party – Maxine the Fluffy Corgi, Little Chonk, and Hamilton & Olivia
Parties are an essential part of Halloween and it’s great to see any dog-friendly events. One credibly epic doggy party was hosted by @bark_social, bringing together a pack of 2000 attendees over a weekend! And from the video below, corgi influencers @madmax_fluffyroad, @heylittlechonk, and @hammyandolivia clearly had a blast.
Best Jump Scare – Lucas the Dog
Our top jump scare of this year’s spooky season goes to @iamcalledlucas. And if you’re not familiar with Lucas, he’s not known for being scary – He’s actually famous for being the only dog that Taylor Swift respects as much as a cat (which you can learn about in our exclusive interview!)
Best Cute Couples Costume (Dogs) – Pug Loulou and Pug Mosy
In our canine couples category, we’re giving it to @pugloulou and her little sister @pugmosy. While we loved their costume collection, they had varied personal opinions on them:
Best Scary Short Film – Doxie Din and Puppy Jay
@doxiedin easily snagged the award for the best scary short film of 2024. The story features stellar acting from Doxie as a buried toy comes back to haunt him. And last year we had the pleasure of interviewing this talented canine actor.
Best Special Needs Doggy Costume – Puggy Smalls
Needing a doggy wheelchair doesn’t stop @thepuggysmalls from celebrating Halloween! We also had the opportunity to interview Puggy Smalls on life, love, fame, and living with a disability.
Best Couples Costume (Dog and Human) – Mocha Pom and Ti
Our pick for the best dog and human couples costume goes to @mochapom and her mom Ti – With Mocha as Beetlejuice and her mom as Winona Ryder’s character Lydia Deetz.
Best Doggy Decorations – Madi and Remi (The Stadler Fam)
We loved what dog mom influencer Serena (of @thestalderfam) did to spice up her pups Madi and Remi’s space for Halloween. (and don’t miss our Stadler Fam interview!)
Best Black Mirror Episode – Sapphie the Pomsky
@sapphie_the_pomsky and her family consistently post hilarious and heartwarming videos. For Halloween, they created several great videos that mix laughs with some creepiness, including the Black Mirror-esque escape room video below. And did you know Sapphie is a published author and mental health advocate? (find out more in our interview with the talkative pup)
Best Costume Based on One of the Judge’s Fav Childhood Movies – 2 Husketeers
@2huskateers always bring their A-Game when it comes to pop culture Halloween costumes, with such hits as Jurrasic Bark, The Addams Family, and Super Mario Bros. One of their finely crafted costumes for 2024 was based on a 90s kid favorite of mine: Hook, starring the late Robin Williams – complete with one of the pups dressed as a skateboarding Rufio.
Best Creative Grooming Costume – Gabriel Feitosa and Edea
@gabrielfeitosagrooming continually posts fun examples of his creative grooming and we love an excuse to share them. For this year, he featured a 3D skeleton design for his standard poodle Edea and got a costume to match her. And did you know Gabriel Feitosa gives shelter dogs luxury makeovers to help them get adopted?