In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.
8 Cheetah Cubs Born to St Louis Zoo in Remarkable Birth
For the first time in zoo history, a record number of 8 cubs were born to a cheetah in Saint Louis! Bingwa (meaning Champion in Swahili) is a great mother to her large brood. Since the first few months are critical for newborn cheetah’s, the zoo staff have been monitoring the family closely.
Ten-year-old conducts interview with her cat – hilarity ensues
We all know cats are particular beasts. Ancestors of the king of the jungle, cats know they get what they demand and they demand you to know exactly where and when they want to patted. Luckily, one ten-year-old girl named Gabi conducted a thorough interview with her own kitty to answer these hard-hitting questions.
Cats in Hats: Kitty Dad Ryo Yamazaki Makes Cat’s Hats Using Their Own Fur
Japanese photographer Ryo Yamazaki @rojiman takes dressing up your pet to a whole new level. He makes hats for his cats using their own fur. Seriously.
Bonedigger and Milo: as unlikely friendship between a dachshund and a lion
In one of the cutest cases of unlikely animal friendships ever recorded, a 500lb male lion named Bonedigger shares a special bond with a wiener dog named Milo. Milo and Bonedigger have been pals since cub-and-puppyhood. The little sausage pup sensed that Bonedigger needed an extra paw – he was born with a metabolic bone disease, leaving him partially disabled.
Pompous Albert is The New Grumpy Cat
As Albert Einsteins’ namesake, this cat knows he’s better than you. Pompous Albert is allegedly a Selkirk Rex, but we have our doubts. It’s possible that he’s actually a cartoon villain come to life.
Unlikely Animal Friendships: Comet the Pony and Louis the Siamese Cat
Size makes no difference for this odd couple. Comet the Pony and Louis the Siamese Cat go adventuring through the England countryside together. Louis, of course, takes advantage of Comet’s saddle and lets her do the legwork.
93 Year Old Woman Emma Eng Knits Blankets for Homeless Kittens
Emma Eng says that she enjoys animal stories better than people stories. We would have to agree, although sometimes a human-and-animal story comes along that is just as good. The 93-year-old woman spends her days knitting blankets for adoptable cats in the Seattle Humane Shelter in Bellevue, Washington.
Top Ten Instagram Famous Pets of 2017
As we leave 2017 for 2018, let’s take a moment to reflect on the adorable pet-Instagram accounts that we know and love. Especially the ones with millions of followers. Here’s 2017’s top ten million-plus club: @Jiffpom Credit:@jiffpom IG Jiffpom is a three-time Guinness World Record holder.
Nabi a feral cat protects his disabled girlfriend
Nabi’s a feral cat who proves love knows no bounds. The stray is in a committed relationship with a disabled orange tabby. Nabi’s partner has two back legs that never fully recovered from a previous injury.
Bettie Bee – Two-faced kitten’s twice the cute, living her best life
Bettie Bee is unlike other kittens in a big way. The tiny kitty-cat was born with two faces fused together. She’s a happy accident and, against all odds, is living happily in South Africa.