In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.
Unlikely animal friendships: Ruuxa, Raina, and Little Rae BFF’s
An unlikely trio Ruuxa, Raina, and Little Rae don’t appear to notice their extreme species difference. Ruuxa had a tough start. Abandoned by his mother, the cheetah kitten was alone in the world.
Lillith the elusive Lynx still at large, eludes zoo keepers and vacations on countryside
Lillith, a Lynx formerly residing at the Borth Wild Animal Kingdon Zoo in Wales has been missing since late October. Lillith escaped from her enclosure and has been galavanting throughout the countryside. She’s described as “a young juvenile, tan and white in colour with dark spots on her back and legs.
Twin jaguar cubs born at Houston Zoo, too cute for words!
Two Jaguar cubs named Fitz and Emma were born at the Houston Zoo and are the most adorable thing you will see today. The cubs have been hiding out with their big momma, Maya, for the last 4 months but are finally ready for their grand debut. Zoo-goers are now welcome to take pictures, ooh-ing and ahh-ing to their heart’s content.
Ride or Die: top ten hitchhiking animals buds
Think you’ve got a sick whip? Unless you’re a bunny rabbit riding around on a tortoise, no one’s going to care that much about your new car. Check out these adorably hilarious photos of animals riding other animals!
Musya the cat adopts orphaned hedgehog babies proving that love knows no bounds
Following a tragic incident with a lawnmower, eight orphaned hedgehog babies found refuge in an unlikely place. A cat named Musya stepped up after the hedgehoglets mother was killed in an unfortunate lawnmower accident. The cat was living at the Sadgorod Zoo in Vladivostok, Russia when workers found the abandoned hoglets.
KolonyKats – Superhero “Catman” saves stray cat lives daily
In the world of vigilantes, one outshines the rest. A hero amongst men, Catman stands for justice, bravery, and belly scratches. Shon “Catman” Griffin is a five-year-old superhero.
Celebrity couple Beth and Howard Stern uses 90 million dollar fortune to foster hundreds of cats
Beth Stern and Howard Stern have completely embraced the ‘crazy cat people’ title. They use their $90 million fortune to foster as many cats that they can fit into their three sprawling homes. They saved their first litter of kittens from being euthanized in 2013.
Animal lovers celebrate California passing rescue animal law
A huge win for animal lovers, California passed a law prohibiting pet stores from selling animals obtained from anywhere but shelters and rescue centers. It’s the first statewide ban of its kind in the country and will go into effect in 2019. Governor Jerry Brown last Friday signed the law bill A.B. 485, which will force pet stores to obtain dogs, cats, and rabbits from shelters and rescue groups.
Mistaken cat-dentity: guy accidentally kidnaps neighbours cat, keeps hostage for 5 days
In a classic case of mistaken identity, a New Zealand man accidentally kidnapped his neighbour’s cat. Luckily for us, his mate Clarke Grayford was tweeting the entire incident. a mate spent $130 at vet on his cat then had to lock it in his bedroom for 5 days recovery, and JUST NOW HIS ACTUAL CAT WALKED IN 😂— Clarke Gayford (@NZClarke) October 10, 2017 The cat had been acting strangely (due to being a hostage) and so had a trip to the vet’s office where he was prescribed anti-anxiety medication and bed rest for 5 days, leading our kidnapper to lock the kitty in his bedroom.
Thanksgiving Fashion Week: Animal Style
Thanksgiving, known to most as our national holiday of giving thanks for what we have and fighting with our relatives around the kitchen table (whatever you do, don’t bring up Trump with Uncle Frank). For some, it’s also a great opportunity to embarrass their beloved furbabies. Check out the best of Thanksgiving’s haute couture below.