In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.
Queer Eye Stars Jonathan Van Ness and Antoni Porowski launch Yummers pet food, raise $6 million
Queer Eye Stars Jonathan Van Ness and Antoni Porowski raised $6 million for their new pet food brand Yummers.
Orphaned Baby Bobcat Gets Adopted by Caring Cat Mom (Video)
When the Millstone Wildlife Center in New Hampshire received a call about a baby bobcat who had been abandoned by her mother, they knew they had to take action. Fortunately, the 6-week-old kitten was found to be in good health, but she was crying out from loneliness because she had been separated from her mother. The rescuers reached out to Spicy Cats, a rescue and rehabilitor for feral felines, and soon Honeybun, a big-hearted cat who had raised several litters of kittens not her own, stepped up to take on the role of foster mom.
Truffles The Kitty: Helping Kids feel Comfortable about their Glasses
Truffles the Kitty is a rescue cat with an interesting job–helping kids feel comfortable about their glasses. As a little kitten, her mom, Danielle Crull, thought it would be a cute trick for Truffles to wear fun frames. Danielle Crull also happens to be an optician so securing unique frames was no hassle.
Boris Katloff – It’s Spooky Sphinx Season and this Frankenstein is already in costume
Do you like horror movies? How about horror-themed cats? If you answered yes, then you’ll love Boris Katloff!
Pooky The Munchkin may have short fluffly legs but don’t underestimate her reach
Like most popular Instagram cats, Pooky The Munchkin was started by her parents to document and share their soon-to-be-famous Munchkin cat. Little did they know, Pooky would grow to become a kitty with short furry legs and a large impact on the world around her. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pooky the Munchkin (@littlemunchiepooky) Munchkin cats are known for their short legs and big personality.
Phineas The Wobbly Kitty Thriving with Cerebellar Hypoplasia
If you are one of the half a million people that follow @orangeisthenewblackandtan, you’ll have met the star of the channel, Phineas, Phin, or simply the “Wobbly Kitty”. Phin joins the roster of other amazing pets with like Fenix Lumiere the prancing dog and Josh the Doodle of the Be Like Josh Foundation. These pets do more than just look cute on social media.
Sam known as @samhaseyebrows might have 99 problems, but lashes ain’t one
Sam is a famous cat model out of New York, but he wasn’t always a celebrity. In March 2012, his parents found him hanging around their neighborhood looking kind of lost. The soon-to-be famous kitty would later be swept up in a whirlwind of fans as he became known as the “cat with eyebrows”.
Looking to Become Famous? Take a Spa Day – @DontStopMeowing
It’s been a little over a year since Chase, Skye, and Millie had their spa day. What started as an innocent day off has turned into a viral storm of followers for the now popular content creators. The three furballs (and parents) have been busy since then keeping their millions of fans updated on their antics.
Atchoumthecat with a Tornado of Fur is “Hairy But Not Scary”
While spending countless hours browsing TikTok for the our daily dose of pet therapy, we couldn’t help but notice the tornado of fur named “Atchoum The Cat” (@atchoumthecat). To our surprise, he wasn’t a scruffy dog, he’s a very wooly Persian cat. Credit: @atchoumthecat IG Looking wise beyond his year, Atchoumthecat has a very rare congenital condition called hypertrichosis.
Waffles The Cat Does Movies, Commercials, Magazine Covers. AND The MET Gala?
Waffles The Cat was once just like every other kitten looking to get adopted from the litter. But for some reason, Waffles’ entire litter was adopted before he found his home. He was a little different than the others.