Birds are becoming increasingly popular pets, and social media has a lot to do with it. From parrots to canaries, birds come in a vast array of shapes, colors, and personalities. Some birds have even amassed millions of followers! Some birds are just up to no good.


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The Story of Lala, the Rescued Penguin in Japan That Would Go Grocery Shopping by Himself (Video)

After being brought back to Japan by mistake, this penguin became part of the family and the whole town!

Nicolas Cage Gives the First Public Look at His Exotic Pets on “60 Minutes”

The usually very private Nicolas Cage allowed "60 Minutes" into his home, where he gave viewers the first public look at his exotic pets!

The Story of Thomas the Blind Bisexual Goose Who Became an Inspirational Parent and LGBTQ+ Icon

Thomas was a blind bisexual goose in New Zealand that lived an impressive 40 years before he passed away in 2018. But his legacy as a gay partner and loving parent will continue to inspire for years to come. Thomas: The 90s kid Thomas’ love story of epic proportions starts back in his youth.

Marge the Hen Overcame Her Disability and Became One Cool Chick

Marge is a Polish Hen who was adopted in 2021 by a very kind human. You see, while Marge is clearly a born fashionista, she also has a disability and can’t walk on her own. So Marge’s mom has put her time, energy, and love into helping rehabilitate her since then.

Meet Mr. Lubitsch, the opera-singing parrot

Mr. Lubitsch is an Australian cockatiel living in Rome, where he’s clearly been soaking up the culture… And has turned into an accomplished opera singer!

Michael Bay charged with killing a pigeon but denies the allegation

Director Michael Bay, known for blowing stuff up, has been accused of killing a pigeon in Italy, but says no animals were ever hurt on set.

Meet Mamé the skateboarding zebra finch

Cool, cute, and talented - Mamé the Zebra Finch isn't even a year old and hes's already ripping up ramps on his skateboard!

Meet Long Boi – A really really long duck

Long Boi is a very special duck at the University of York in England that went viral for being very long.

Top Celebrity Pets Social Media Posts in 2022

In 2022, we featured “Celebrity Pets”, but more importantly, “Pets that are Celebrities”. Posts by these furry friends have brought likes and shares as people around the world tune in to see what outrageous antics they’re up to. From fashion shows and movie premieres to charity events and exotic vacations, there’s no limit to what these pampered pooches and kitties did for attention.

Mysterious duck turns up, cures grieving dog’s 2-year depression

George the yellow lab had been depressed since his best friend Blackie, a black lab, had passed away. That's until a random duck turned up.