Benny, a beautiful Boykin Spaniel, is Stephen Colbert’s beloved fur baby. Benny only makes rare appearances on Colbert’s Instagram and has only been mentioned on his show a handful of times since getting him in late 2019. So when The Late Show With Stephen Colbert’s Instagram dropped a behind-the-scenes feature starring Benny, fans ate it up – Getting around 4 times the likes and comments of their average post.

With audio from The Late Show podcast, the video takes us behind the scenes to see how this very good boy is also an incredible rehearsal partner and audience member. The clips feature Benny intensely but patiently watching his dad from a seat in the audience.
Some clips and photos used for it were courtesy of @thedogist (a must-follow for any canine enthusiasts). Colbert and the Dogist also posted a video together back in June which I somehow missed. It’s below if you also didn’t catch it.
Benny might seem a lil’ serious judging from the videos above. But here’s proof he gets pumped up too.
And you can’t miss this 10/10 awoo! from from baby Benny.
And here’s a couple of Vogue-worthy shots of Benny.
For more canine and Colbert content, see Chris Evans use his charm to help rescue dogs get adopted with Stephen Colbert.