The title of prettiest pussy on the internet is awarded to Smoothie the Cat. The British Longhair has bright green peepers and a purrfectly groomed lion-like mane. Her owner, Arvid van Boeker, is from the Netherlands and looooves taking pics of his prized kittycat.

Smoothie has been called a ‘real life Puss in Boots’ and we can see why. Give Smoothie a pair of leather knee-highs and a feathered hat and you’ve got live action Disney. Or a feline burlesque dancer. You decide.

Like most pet-owners, Arvid was flooding his friends’ social feeds with photos of his kitty. Once people started complaining about the torrential cat pics, Smoothie got her own account. She currently has almost a million followers on Instagram and over 100k on Facebook.

Despite being really, really, ridiculously good looking, Smoothie does average cat things. She loves boxes and sitting on your laptop. She chases the red dot and likes to strut around the house, tail up. Smoothie has a lovely disposition, although she knows she’s the queen of the internet, she acts like a demure little lady (most of the time).

One particularly beautiful shot was immortalized into memedom, it went viral and boosted Smoothies instafame. Overnight, her followers more than doubled and Smoothie entered the glamorous life of an Instagram model. Her coat needs to be groomed at least every other day to keep it lookin’ fresh and her dad knows how to capture her best angles (all of them).
Smoothie Cat has a brother named Milkshake, a big puffy white cloud who is almost as captivating as Smoothie. Milkshake has over 200k followers on Instagram, and his popularity is growing fast; it helps when your older sister is the most photogenic cat on the internet.

You can get exclusive updates on “all things Smoothie” with her iOs app or, even grab a pair of socks with her mesmerizing face on them. She’s been featured in a number of publications including People Magazine and The Huffington Post for her glamorous looks and internet fame.