For anyone who doesn’t “Work From Home,” the lifestyle of not having to leave your house to do your job sounds like the ultimate luxury.

But for anyone who does WFH, they appreciate the benefits but know the frustrations all too well.
@passtherigatoni I’ll figure it out myself #wfh #work #corporate #dog #goldenretriever #working #officelife #office ♬ original sound – goldenbiscuit.tx
And Rigatoni the Golden Retriever can relate, and lucky for us, he’s channeled that frustration into laughs for when we’re taking a break from the big screen on our desk to look at the tiny screen in our pocket.
@passtherigatoni Working from home is a lifestyle #wfh #workfromhome #corporatelife #workingdog #workworkwork #goldenretriever #dog ♬ original sound – Toby
@passtherigatoni what do I do #office #dog #goldenretriever #corporatelife #work #officelife #fyp ♬ Jennifer Lawrence being herself – Romanoff
Hopefully society will advance enough (or collapse?) to stop the awkward intro to any group meeting.
@passtherigatoni the first 5 minutes of every meeting be like #wfh #workfromhome #corporate #work #dog #goldenretriever #dogsoftiktok ♬ original sound – Corporayshid
But it beats being one of the first in a meeting and having to join in the random conversation.
@passtherigatoni Whatever you do, don’t join a Teams call early! #microsoftteams #officedog #wfh #workfromhome #corporatelife #corporatehumor #workingdog #goldenretriever #working ♬ original sound – Joe Fenti
Oh no, the dreaded “hop on a quick call”!
@passtherigatoni please don’t play with me rn #teams #office #officelife #IT #dog #goldenretriever #fyp #work #ihatemyjob ♬ Just answer the question ok – hi lol
And the even scarier surprise video call from the boss!
@passtherigatoni Was having some technical issues #technicalissues #wfh #workfromhome #corporate #workingdog #dog #goldenretriever #officedog #videocall #work ♬ original sound – Rigatoni
But it’s not all work and no play for Rigatoni.
@passtherigatoni Who else is ready for summer? #summer2023 #summer #cantwait #goldenretriever #adventure #dog ♬ original sound – djparry
Throwback to when Rigatoni was an intern!
@passtherigatoni Don’t worry dad, I’ll take good notes #workfromhome #workingdog #breadwinner #officedog #dog #goldenretriever #fyp #zoomdog #sundayscaries #sunday #throwback ♬ Soul Bossa Nova – Quincy Delight Jones Jr. & His Orchestra
For more relatable WFH content, make sure to follow @passtherigatoni on Instagram and TikTok.
And for a legendary doggo who had a more exciting occupation, check out Ricochet the Golden Retriever who changed lives through surfing.