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Sonia Manzano's Pets

Does Sonia Manzano Have Any Pets?

Sonia Manzano's pet No Pets (Sonia Manzano)

No Pets (Sonia Manzano)

Sonia Manzano does not have any reported pets.

Sonia Manzano

Sonia Manzano Pets


June 12, 1950 (74)

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Sonia Manzano is an American actress, screenwriter, and author known for her role as Maria on the children’s television series “Sesame Street.” She contributed as a writer for the show, earning 15 Emmy Awards for her work.

Manzano’s career includes extensive contributions to television, literature, and theater. She starred as Maria on “Sesame Street” for over four decades and was also a key writer for the show. Beyond television, she authored several books, including “Becoming Maria: Love and Chaos in the South Bronx” and the children’s book “No Dogs Allowed!” Her stage work includes performances in productions such as “The Vagina Monologues.”

Throughout her career, Manzano collaborated with Jim Henson on “Sesame Street,” working alongside key figures like Norman Stiles in the writing team. She worked with Emilio Delgado, who played Luis on the show. Manzano also collaborated with editor Andrea Davis Pinkney on her book projects. She has worked with the National Council of La Raza to address issues of Latino representation.